Man Knocks Out Kidnapper To Save His 3-Year-Old Daughter From Getting Dragged Away At Park

Oct 28, 2019

Danger can pop up at the most unexpected times, so parents always have to remain vigilant of potential threats to their children. A father recently found this out on a seemingly normal day.

According to CBS News, three-year-old Natalie and her six-year-old sister Aubrey were playing in their favorite place last April at a local park. The two little girls were playing with their mother and stepfather at Regional Park in Auburn, California when a terrible crisis occurred. 

The father of the little girls, Freddie Cantrell, happened to live right across the street from the park where they were playing when he got a frightening phone call that every parent dreads. The mother of the two girls was panicked on the phone, screaming that Freddie needed to get to the park right away because someone had kidnapped little Aubrey.

According to Aubrey's six-year-old sister, a man walked up to three-year-old Aubrey and started dragging her away. She said the man was running and skipping away with her little sister.

All the while, six-year-old Natalie could only look on in horror as her sister was being kidnapped. The children's' mother and stepdad ran to catch up with the kidnapper, and Freddie bolted out of his house toward the other end of the park. Freddie was the first to catch up with the kidnapper, and things immediately turned violent. The criminal had handcuffs wrapped around his fist in the manner of brass knuckles, and he swung a punch at Freddie.

Freddie reported that the man's attempts to fight with him were unsuccessful as he overpowered the perpetrator. The police arrived shortly after the incident took place, and they were able to take the 26-year-old kidnapper into custody. After this incident, parents in the area are urging families to make sure their kids never play in the park unsupervised.

The video of the news report has gone viral, and people all over the world are praising the heroism of the father who rescued his little daughter from the kidnapper.

Do you think you could successfully fight off a kidnapper like Freddie did? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and make sure you pass this amazing story of heroism to your friends and family.