Man Hits Dog On Highway Without Realizing It - 200 Miles Later, Faint Barking Comes From Under Car

Oct 18, 2018

Dogs are truly amazing creatures. From serving in rescue missions to being a part of battlefield battalions, dogs seem capable of just about anything. In one amazing case, one puppy managed to survive for hundreds of miles on a bumper of a moving car.

A Man Hits a Dog Unknowingly

One man was driving on a long trip in China when he hit a dog without realizing it. The man was already 200 miles into the trip, but he had not noticed anything unusual. He only realized that he hit it afterward, but he was driving too fast to pull over. When he looked in his rearview mirror, he did not see the puppy on the roadway. The man assumed that the dog had run off somewhere.

Since he was on a busy highway, the man kept driving for 200 miles. He felt terrible about the dog, but he tried to tell himself that the puppy must have survived. He had not seen a body when he drove away, so the dog must have been strong enough to walk away.

A Sudden Bark Alerts the Man to an Unexpected Surprise

For 200 miles, the man kept driving on the highway. All of a sudden, he heard a barking noise. He could not figure out where the sound was coming from. He tried rolling down his window and turning off the radio. It sounds like the noise was coming from underneath his car.

The man immediately found a place to pull over. To his immense surprise, he found the dog stuck to his bumper. It had managed to stay on the bumper for more than 200 miles. The poor dog was hurt and completely terrified.

Now that the man had finally found out what happened to the dog, he knew that he had to do something. He immediately brought the puppy to a veterinarian. After checking the puppy, the veterinarian cleaned up the wounds and gave him back to the man.

The man felt like this was a sign. After putting the dog through so much, he felt like it deserved to be adopted. The dog had managed to escape great danger to stay with the man. It felt like fate.

This dog was truly amazing. He survived getting hit by a car at high speeds and managed to ride along on the bumper for more than 200 miles. After such a traumatic day, the puppy had a new home with a thankful owner. Millions of dogs get hit by cars each year, but most of them die or suffer severe injuries. Only a few pups are as lucky as this dog was.

In just the United States, 1.2 million dogs are killed on roads and highways each year. The number of cats killed on the roads is estimated to be at more than 5.4 million felines annually. Dark-colored dogs are especially vulnerable to cars because drivers cannot see them at night. Small dogs are also difficult to see until it is too late for the driver to stop.

Throughout the world, animals are frequently hit and killed by drivers. Often, it is unsafe for the driver to stop their car. In these cases, the poor pup just dies on the roadway. Other animals like armadillos, skunks, deer and opossums also get hit on busy roadways.

Wild animals try to cross the road to locate mates, new territory and food, but they end up getting killed by passing cars.

This story shows just how important it is to watch out for animals on the roadways. While it is not always possible to stop to see if the animal is injured, it is still a good idea if you can safely pull over. Luckily, this particular puppy ended up having a happy ending.

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