Man Films Group Of Mountain Lions Relaxing On His Porch In Colorado

May 29, 2019

Renowned for its lithe grace, the mountain lion possesses both strength and beauty. Cougars typically inhabit the forests of North America, and these elusive big cats are seldom seen. However, while enjoying a morning cup of coffee at his home in Conifer Colorado, Andy Davis had a rare opportunity.

On the morning of July 25, Andy saw something moving from the corner of his eye. To his surprise, four mountain lions gracefully jumped onto his deck. While seeing deers and elks is quite common around Conifer, this was the first time Andy had seen a mountain lion.

In fact, it was the first time he had ever seen four mountain lions all together! He quickly grabbed his cellphone and began recording.

Andy's unexpected visitors were a mother mountain lion and her three growing cubs.

Davis remained safely inside his home while recording the family of cougars. The cougars drank water from a fountain on his deck and seemed to pause to admire the view. They then casually ambled off, back into the forest. Andy wasn’t afraid at all since he was safely filming from inside his home.

This was a once in a lifetime experience, Andy always wanted to see a cougar! Now he had four of the big cats pay a personal visit to his home. After the mountain lions left, Davis called his neighbors to warn them that the apex predators were in the neighborhood.

Many of Andy's neighbors had small children and pets that could be in danger.

What do you think about this story? How would you react upon finding four mountain lions on your porch? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to your friends and family!