Man Dying From Cancer Gets Final Wish To Be Baptized Fulfilled

Oct 11, 2019

Cancer has taken many incredible people from this world far too soon. It's a disease that thousands of people around the world succumb to each year. Thomas Roberts was one of those people, but before he passed, an incredible thing happened.

Thomas spent most of his life living as an atheist—someone who doesn't believe in God. That all changed just days before his death, though. This man dying from cancer had one final wish—to be baptized. There was one larger barrier standing in the way of that wish being granted.

Because Thomas was suffering from lung cancer, he had to be on oxygen around-the-clock. Since the oxygen tank could not be submerged in water, this was a major problem in terms of Thomas being baptized.

The hospital staff at the University of Alabama at Birmingham put their heads together to figure out a way to get Thomas baptized before he died. His physician, Dr. Ashley Nichols, headed up the venture with the assistance of Chaplain Corey Agricola according to UAB News.

Nichols, Agricola, and other members of the hospital staff determined that a chair lift would need to be used in order to lift Thomas into the pool. Since he could only be off of his oxygen for mere seconds, this seemed like the safest and quickest option.

On September 4th, hospital staff gathered together with Thomas and his family members which included his wife, son, sisters, and niece and nephew.

As the baptism began, Agricola said a few heartfelt words. He stated that this was the "greatest day" of his 20 year ministry career. He went on to address Thomas, saying, "This is one of the greatest days of your life because we are celebrating your new life." Agricola applauded Thomas's decision to be baptized, saying that he "made an impact on people who you do not even know."

Thomas was then immersed in the water while his family members and the hospital staff looked on. Members of his family said that the entire ceremony was moving and that they felt at peace knowing their loved one was going to heaven. When Thomas passed away just a few days later on September 10, his family was comforted knowing his soul was now at peace in heaven.

Were you inspired by Thomas's remarkable story? If you think the hospital staff went above and beyond for Thomas, be sure to pass this along.