Man Drives Train Around Neighborhood With Rescued Pups In The Passenger Cars

Apr 09, 2019

Eugene Bostick started a new career after retiring 15 years ago. Bostick, who is from Fort Worth, is loving what he does. He now works as a train conductor which just so happens to run for rescued dogs.

This wasn’t something he ever planned on doing. It just kind of happened. His hearth opened up to the idea when he kept seeing people abandoning their dogs. That’s when Bostick, along with his brother, felt a need to help out the strays.

Bostic resides on a dead-end street. Located on his property is a horse barn that he and his brother own. At times, people would drop their dogs of, without plans of returning. The dogs would’ve starved if it wasn’t for Bostick and his brother.

They began to feed them and take them in. They even go as far as to taking care of their vetting needs, including having the dogs neutered and spayed as needed.

Bostick has taken in many dogs over the years. They run around and play. They are able to feel free and stay safe at the same time.

This was great for them, but Bostick had more plans. 

He thought that if they were able to take a trip occasionally, this might make them happier.

He recalls seeing a man with a tractor that had carts attached to it and he knew that’s exactly what he needed. He thought it would be great for a dog train. 

Since he is a welder, he was able to take care of building the train himself. He used plastic barrels. He cut holes into them and attached wheels underneath. This created the perfect carts for his train.

At the moment, Bostick has nine dogs in his care. They take trips weekly. 

“Whenever the dogs hear the tractor being hooked up, they go wild. They begin running towards the tractor and jump into the carts on their own. They’re all set to go.” Bostick said.

When Bostick and the dogs take a trip, they usually have everyone’s attention. The locals love seeing them out. Bostick and the dogs are usually asked to take pictures too. 

Bostick knows that he is getting older and doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to keep doing it but for now he will. He is 80 and this is something that brings him joy and the dogs too. He plans to keep it up as long as he can. 

What do you think about this cute video? Tell us in the comments and pass the video on to your animal loving friends.