Man Confuses Judges With Strange Request Before Stunning Them With His Unique Performance

Jun 17, 2018

Genadi Tkachenko got on the stage of Georgia's Got Talent with absolute confidence. He also walked on the stage with such an air of mystery that the judges were clueless about what he would say or do next. 

When the judges asked him about himself and his act, his answers only proved to confuse them more.

Both a singer and a musician, Ganadi is a born performer, and like any performer, he prefers to have the right atmosphere to work in. Thus, he began his performance by reminding his audience that he needed them to be silent like space. 

With instructions like that, the audience could only stare in curious anticipation, for they had no clue what he might want them to be so silent for. 

His last comment before his performance only served to enhance the audience's anticipation. He calmly asked them "to feel what Mother Earth is trying to tell us". Of course, no one really knew what he meant or how that could relate to his upcoming performance. 

But then he grabbed the microphone and people started to slowly understand. 

Genadi did something that has never been done before. His judges looked upon him with utter shock and bewilderment. Some even had tears forming in their eyes. One could only place her hands on her face, trying to puzzle out what Genadi had done. 

The entire audience and every judge was absolutely transfixed. They could not take their eyes off him. They could not open their mouths to speak during his performance. To do so just seemed wrong. 

Genadi was right, he needed them to be quiet like space, and they needed to feel what Mother Earth had been trying to tell them. 

To everyone in the audience, it was unimaginable that Genadi would be anything but one of the judges' favorites. It is truly unimaginable that he could not be an instant fan favorite. 

In a few short minutes, he managed to amass fans and admires. In a few short minutes, he took everyone to another realm. 

One judge was so moved, she told him, "Through you the space was speaking to us. Through you the Mother Earth got connected to us. Thank you for this beauty and this harmony and for this connection with space you have given us." 

Another judge went so far as to tell Genadi that his performance was a "miracle", "ideal and fantastic". 

The judges were right, Genadi has managed to make all who have listened to his performance believers. 

How is this man's performance possible? It feels like he took us to another realm. Show this video to someone you know would be impressed by it!