Man Cleaning Subway Car Was Working An Extra Shift When He Heard A Cry For Help & Ran To Save A Life.

Dec 03, 2018

Vincent Seals was asked to work an extra shift one day, which consisted of cleaning the subway cars he had been cleaning for almost a year. Vincent had been working in California’s Bay Area on the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway system, at the Millbrae station.

He almost said no on the day he was asked to cover a shift. The Dublin/Pleasanton station had become short-handed, so they contacted Vincent to ask him if he could come in and help out. Luckily for one passenger, he decided to say yes. If he had turned down the offer, a young man may not have made it through the night.

Vincent came into work just a little bit after midnight. When he arrived at the station he was to clean, he heard someone yelling for help. It turned out to be a co-worker who was in a lead car, calling for help because of a younger passenger he had found slumped in his seat. They later found out that the passenger was only 20-years-old. He was unconscious and needed assistance immediately.

Vincent first checked for a pulse on the young man, but he stated that he was unable to find one. He then tried to hear if there was any breathing from the passenger by putting his ear to his mouth. Still, nothing. The lips of the passenger were turning blue at that point in time, so Vincent got the man down on the floor of the subway car in order to begin CPR.

He kept telling him that he needed to breathe and to follow his voice as he performed CPR on him. He was determined to get him breathing again.

Luckily for the passenger, Vincent knew how to perform CPR because of a previous job. He kept it up until the man on the ground took a deep breath. However, he soon lost consciousness again. Vincent still did not stop administering CPR to him.

Thanks to his efforts, and the BART officer who showed up soon afterward, the passenger had a steady pulse when the ambulance got to the station to take him to the nearest hospital.

We all know that Vincent is the hero in this story. But Vincent wanted to give credit to an unlikely person- the man who he saved. He believes that he was the true hero because he wanted to live to see another day. He said that he is very happy he was there to give him the opportunity to do so.

What an amazing story and even more amazing man. We are so happy Vincent was there to save the day! We are hoping that the rest of your shifts are not as dramatic as this one, but we are also so thankful that you happened to show up just at the right time!

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