Man Attaches Mini Hummingbird Feeders To His Glasses For Close Up Footage Of The Birds

Jun 05, 2020

Everyone has heard of bird watching. Usually, that's understood to mean someone gets binoculars and goes out into the woods trying to find birds. It's an unusual person who tries to make the birds come to them. Bur this May, an inventive Colorado man did just that with a self-made, wearable bird feeder.

The Birdman of Lyons, Colorado

The popular footage of the incident is almost totally silent. Only the birds and other nature sounds can be heard. A man in a red t-shirt stands still. He is wearing a red t-shirt and glasses. However, what's really notable is that there are small bird feeders attached to his glasses. And as he stands still, hummingbirds start to surround him. At one point in the video, titled Hummingbird Whisperer, there are over five of them flitting around his head at one time.

The man doesn't look startled or afraid. He just stands in front of the camera and lets it record. The unusual scene spread across the internet, of course. Over 28,000 people have watched his video. A lot of them had very interesting reactions to it. Some of them admired it and commented about how cute the birds are. Others attributed the video to boredom. They thought that maybe he had been inside for too long. Some commenters even mentioned his glasses, saying he needed eye protection given the long beaks of the hummingbirds.

What's the strangest encounter you've ever had with wild animals? Were you trying to get an animal's attention, or did they just take an interest in you? Let's talk about it below! And don't forget to pass this interesting video to your family members and friends.