Mama Elephant Gives Birth As Safarigoers Watch Before Her Entire Herd Rushes In

Sep 23, 2021

Animals and humans are connected in more ways than we can imagine. Many animals on Earth have the capacity to feel emotion and empathy for their fellow living creatures. Some animals, like elephants, monkeys and dolphins are quite similar to human beings in how they live their lives and conduct themselves in herds. Among these animals, elephants are truly majestic creatures, and when it comes to family bonds and love shared between them, there is so much that is similar to humans. When it comes to protective instincts for their newborns, elephants are always there to support the mother and child as seen in this video.

In 2017, a group of lucky tourists, including cameraman David Xing, was able to witness an elephant giving birth at a nature reserve in Botswana. Their incredible timing paid off, as they were able to snap this amazing video showing the miracle of life. This is quite a rare occurrence, according to Elephants prefer to give birth during the night, as they have an undisturbed environment at that time. In fact, researchers have observed that females can interrupt their labor, postponing birth until it is night so that they can do so safely. The fact that this elephant gave birth during the day and the whole thing was caught on camera is incredible. Moreover, elephants give birth only once every five years or so, which makes this an even rarer occurrence for these tourists. And one of the best parts of the entire video is how the herd reacted to the new baby!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

As the newborn hits the ground, the amniotic sac bursts, and the baby is immediately introduced to the world. The mother nudges the new baby a little, and since elephants have such strong familial bonds, the entire herd comes together to celebrate and protect their new family member. After the birth, the mama’s herd immediately rushes around her, trumpeting and greeting the new baby. This is usually done as a way to welcome the baby but also protect the mother and child from predators. The humans around them at the time might have seemed like a threat. All the adult elephants let out deep vocalizations that welcome the new baby in what could seem like a traditional ritual for the animals, much like how we have baby showers in the human world. The lucky tourists were able to snap plenty of pictures, but they won’t necessarily need to look at them to remember this magical moment forever. However, now other people, like us, can benefit from their quick photo skills.

The person who uploaded this video, David Xing, wrote in the description section, "On a safari drive in Chobe National Park, we witnessed a pregnant elephant giving birth. This was unplanned and our group happened to be at the right time at the right place. Post birth celebration and protection from potential prey by the elephant herd is spectacular!" It was also lucky for all the viewers that this group was able to be a part of something so extraordinary.

Elephants are extraordinary creatures for more reasons than one.

All About Elephants

They are highly intelligent and sensitive creatures that have a large reserve of empathy and love for their family and handlers when they are treated well. Did you know that elephants gestate their babies for almost two years? The normal gestation period can last up to 23 months, which is longer than any other animal on the planet, as per When they are birthed, the giant tots are born with the ability to walk and eat straight from the womb and can weigh anywhere from 200 to 320 pounds. Still, they need plenty of protection from predators. That’s part of why elephants are so social.

A female elephant is also referred to as a "cow." When it comes to labor, the process and the labor pains are very similar to that of humans. After labor pain begins, the cow may be in labor for several days before giving birth. Once the calf is born, the mother first sniffs the calf and blows on it. After she accepts her calf, she will then pull it towards her. The calf can stand on its own within an hour of birth, and once it can stand properly, its next job is to find the mother's breast to begin nursing. A calf will typically nurse for about four years, but for the first six months of its life, the calf's main source of nutrition and food is the mother's milk. A young elephant then begins to graze on grass and foliage between the ages of 2 to 6 years.

A calf stays with its mother until it reaches adulthood, which is around 18 years of age. They can live for up to 70 years, which is also very similar to human life spans. A cow can also give birth once every five years or so, which is great for the babies, as it gives the mother and calf plenty of time to form special bonds. Elephants typically travel in large herds of grandmothers, mothers and babies. Adult males head out on their own or sometimes form bachelor herds. While there is a common myth that elephants have one mate for life, this is not actually true. Since male elephants, referred to as "bulls," travel with their other male companions, they tend to cover larger areas looking for mates.

They do not stay in one place too long, but they do form short-lived mating and feeding associations with one another, according to Britannica. As states, "While elephants do not mate for life, a female may repeatedly choose to mate with the same bull, and bulls are sometimes seen being protective of females." Cows tend to have only one calf at a time, and twins are rare. Once a female reaches the age of 50, she goes through something similar to menopause, which stops her from having more children. 

The fact that these lucky safari-goers were able to witness an elephant birth in real life is something to celebrate! These sensitive and intelligent creatures are some of the most important animals that will help us conserve our ecosystems in the long run.  

These very lucky tourists were able to a part of something special. What did you think of this incredible video? Share your thoughts with us, and be sure to let your friends know about the amazing life of elephants as well!

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