Mama Bear Refuses To Give Up, Determined To Reunite With Cub Who Keeps Slipping Down Mountain

Nov 13, 2018

In this video, a drone captured a riveting moment when a bear cub continuously lost its footing on a very steep mountainside. The mother bear can be seen anxiously pacing back and forth on top of the ridge, waiting for her precious cub to appear. Watch closely to see how her determined little one had finally conquered the mountain.

On a snowcapped mountain in the Magadan region of Far Eastern Russia, a mother bear and her cub were scaling the slippery mountainside. The mother effortlessly shimmies across the snowy slope until she finds a safe spot to climb up to the top.

Instead of utilizing momma bear's path, the cub eagerly tried to reach its mother while standing on an iffy spot and ended up slipping several feet below. This is only the beginning of the poor cub's struggle.

As soon as you think the bear cub will find its footing, it descends even further down the mountainside. Jaws were dropped when the cub plummeted nearly 20 feet below.

Luckily, there was a dry craggy patch close by that helped the cub to swiftly get closer to its mother.

Millions of viewers worldwide were captivated by this footage and the sheer willpower of this brave little cub. Albeit, many viewers were also frightfully nervous as the mother bear and had to fast forward the clip to see if the baby had made it to the top. We hope you watched it all the way through so you can see this cub in action.

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