Lose Weight And Burn Fat In Just 15 Minutes A Day With These Simple Exercises

Jun 18, 2018

It isn’t always easy to find the time to exercise. Because of this, we have put together a number of exercises that will take you around 15 minutes to do. We can all find 15 minutes a day to exercise, right? You’ll get into shape in no time at all! 

Beginning Steps


Sumo Jump Squats 

Stand with your legs wide apart and your toes pointed outward. Squat with your knees at a right angle and push your hips back a little. Jump straight up as you strain your buttocks and then land softly, 12 times. 

Raised Hand Push-Up 

Form a straight line with your neck, back, and legs in the plank position. Strain your stomach and leg muscles as you breathe in, form right angles with your elbows and go down. Breathe out and push your body up while touching your shoulder with your other hand. Change hands and repeat this 12 times. You may also prop yourself up on your knees if you have to. 

Jump Plank 

You should be in the plank position with your neck, legs, and back forming a straight line. Keep your stomach and leg muscles strained. Pull up your feet towards your hands while you jump up and then straighten out your arms. Then, go back to your sitting prop position, and jump up to the first position. Repeat this exercise 12 times. 

Knee-Pull Plank 

Start in a plank position and prop yourself on your elbows. Pull up your right knee to your right elbow, then return back to your initial position. Repeat with your left leg. Repeat the set 12 times. 

Jump Forward and to the Side 

Start in the half-squat position and jump up. Repeat this, and mix it up by jumping and back to both sides 12 times. 

Plank with Raised Hand 

Form a straight line with your neck, back, and legs to form the plank position. Strain your stomach and leg muscles. Slowly lift up your left arm to get it parallel to the floor as you move your left leg to the side. Return to your original position and do the same for your right arm. Repeat this move three times on each side. 

Jump with Knees to Chest 

Stand with your heels shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and keep your hands out in front of your body. Jump up as you pull up your knees as high as you are able towards your chest. Land on your feet softly. Repeat this exercise 12 times. 

With a little hard work and dedication, you can be on your way to a better body in no time! Show this article to a friend so you two can keep each other honest on your journey to your dream bodies!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!