Lose Body Fat And Get Rid Of Those Extra Pounds With These Nine Simple Yet Effective Tricks

Jun 26, 2018

We bet you are tired of dealing with that flab on your waistline and that pesky bra bulge! If you are trying to lose weight around those areas, your back and sides, you will need to incorporate regular exercise in with a healthy diet. 

Follow these tips to help you lose weight and make your back and belly slimmer! 


1. Start With Plenty of Water

Drinking the recommended amount of water every day will help your body maintain proper metabolism rates and will aid in fat loss. You need to consume around eight glasses of water every day. Try not to drink beverages that will dehydrate you, such a coffee, alcohol, tea, and soda. You can add fruit to your water if you have problems drinking it plain. 

2. Sleep Eight Hours a Night

When you cut back on sleep you can mess up the balance of hormones that are responsible for regulating your feelings of hunger and satiety. Eating more than you should is also common when you are sleep-deprived. Getting enough sleep will help you lose fat and you will have enough energy to get through your day. 

3. Try Visual Tricks 

Prepare your meal on smaller plates to control portions. Use chopsticks in lieu of forks- this will make you eat slower and you will stop eating when you are full. 

4. Combine Strength-Training and Cardio

It is important to exercise every day if you want to lose fat from your back and belly. Fit in 30-minute sessions of cardiovascular workouts five days per week. You should also fit in two or more strength-training sessions per week if you can. 

5. Choose the Best Carbs

Don’t go for the “fast” carbs, such as candy and white flour. Include the slow carbs in your diet that keep you feeling full longer, such as sweet potatoes, oats, and barley.

6. Eat Fewer Calories

Don’t fast or try some crazy crash diet to burn fat and lose weight. For most people, cutting out 500 to 1,000 calories a day is optimal for weight loss. Find out how many calories you should eat to maintain your weight and then adjust your intake accordingly. You should also exercise regularly, which will help you burn those extra calories. 

7. Eat Plenty of Fiber

Fiber helps your digestive system run smoothly and you will stay full longer. It’s easy to get the recommended amount of fiber you need per day if you consume the following: nuts, seeds, crunchy vegetables, and whole grains. 

8. Eat Enough Protein

Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. A diet rich in protein will help you feel full longer and will aid in weight loss. You’ll find protein in nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, milk, dairy, and soy. 

9. Reduce Inflammation 

If you are suffering from chronic inflammation, it can slow down your weight loss efforts and even contribute to worse problems, such as heart disease. You’ll want to consume antioxidant-rich foods, which can be found in many fruits such as strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and citrus fruits. Tomatoes and dark leafy greens are other sources of anti-oxidant rich foods. 

How are your weight loss efforts coming along? Have you tried any of these tricks and tips? Let us know what works for you and show this to your workout buddy!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!