Lonely Bear Sat Alone In Rusty Cage For Thirty Years — It's Worth Looking At Her As They Set Her Free

Sep 10, 2020

In 2015, Fifi, the Syrian brown bear, was rescued by PETA and The Wild Animal Sanctuary after surviving more than 30 years of mistreatment. She spent four years at Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado before passing on in 2019.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

Humans forced all kinds of animals to perform humiliating and dangerous tricks for nothing in return. The owners of the show would profit while the animals only received shelter in the form of a cage and payment in the form of malnutrition.

Fortunately, there seems to be a shift in the times. Many popular circuses have closed and aquariums are more ethical when it comes to their sourcing of marine life. For example, Sea World has sworn not to breed killer whales in captivity anymore.

Although there is still much room for improvement, it is nice to see that some major changes are occurring. This change is owed to the animals who have been manipulated now and in the past.

Fifi is one such animal who was kept in captivity for over 30 years for the enjoyment of other people, as the video below explains.


According to PETA, Fifi was a beautiful bear who spent three decades behind bars. She was forced to perform confusing and dangerous tricks for the first 10 years of her life. After her performing career ended, Fifi was kept behind bars for the next 20 years.

She was never allowed outside, and she never changed cages.  She suffered physically and mentally for 30 years. That is a large portion of her life that can never be regained. Fortunately, PETA learned about her story and decided to get involved.

They rescued Fifi from captivity and brought her to a bear sanctuary. The rescuers were concerned about how the bear would respond to her new environment.

When PETA discovered Fifi, she was incredibly thin for a bear of her age. She was also suffering from arthritis that had been untreated. There is no way to tell how long Fifi was suffering from these issues. PETA moved Fifi to their sanctuary in Colorado and hoped for the best.

Within five months, Fifi looked like a different bear. She had gained hundreds of pounds in weight and was more active than ever. She liked to socialize with the other bears and loves running around the seemingly endless enclosure.

She was a much happier bear. After four years, Fifi passed on in 2019.

Isn't it wonderful to witness Fifi's beautiful transformation? Have you ever had a chance to change an animal's life? Let us know in the comments and make sure to show this video to your friends to spread the spirit of hope and love.

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