Lonely 95-Year-Old Widow Becomes Close Friends With Big St. Bernard Next Door

Feb 10, 2020

When you’re 95 and walk with a cane, getting out and making friends can be difficult.

For Sally, finding a friend was simple because her friend lived next door to her. Although they were different in many ways, that didn’t stop them from becoming fast companions. You see, Sally’s friend is a St. Bernard named Brody.

Sally became a widow in 1990 and lived by herself after her spouse passed away, according to Today.

Fourteen years later, a family with the last name Mazarella moved into the house next to hers. Dave Mazarella has memories of when Sally came to his house with cookies when he and his family moved in. From then on, they had a close relationship.


One day, after the Mazzarellas took a puppy into their home, their pup made an appearance at Sally’s rear door. Since there was no fence between her backyard and the Mazzarella’s yard, there was nothing to prevent the dog from going to Sally’s house, the video from KOMO News chronicles below.

When Sally saw Brody at her door, she gave him a few pieces of bread because that was all she had. She said he liked the bread very much, and she stated that he won’t eat dog treats if she offers them to him.

Brody is no longer a puppy, but he will always be Sally’s best friend. He has visited her often and walked her to her church. According to Dave, his neighbor and his dog would watch TV together, and if Brody didn’t see Sally at her door, he would go up to her window to look for her.

As time passed and Sally got older, she had a minor heart attack, the video continues. She then went to live in a center for seniors. Months later, Brody continued to go to Sally’s house to look for her. He would sit and wait for her at the sliding glass door.

Since the Mazzarellas wanted Brody and Sally to continue to see each other, they decided to take their dog with them when they visit Sally. Whenever Sally sees Brody, she comes to life, and Brody waits for Sally to pet him.

If you would like to see more photos of Brody and Sally, find them on Instagram at Blizzard/Lulu and Brody/Sally. Tell others about this story so they can experience its heartwarming effects.