Little Kid Caught On Family's Doorbell Camera Saying Pledge of Allegiance

Sep 18, 2019

Kids pick up so much from their friends and teachers, often when the parents aren't least aware. Sometimes it's a cold germ. Sometimes, it's words that parents don't want their children saying. But, a few precious times, it's a lesson that makes a big impression.

Preston Satterthwaite is a 5-year-old boy who learned the Pledge of Allegiance at school. His parents, Mike and Jessica, didn't know that. They were teaching him respect for the flag. That's why Preston decided to show off the lesson he learned at school. To celebrate the Fourth of July, the family decided to put up a flag. While they were installing the flag, the parents were talking to Preston about the proper way to pay respect for the flag. It should never hit the ground, for example.

A little while later, they found the flag on the ground. Their first thought was someone had pulled the flag down in a deliberate show of disrespect. Little Preston was upset that the flag was on the ground. They got the flag back up in place. In addition, they decided to install a doorbell camera to see if the vandal returned. What the camera actually captured is an entirely unexpected thing.

Preston went on a bike ride with his dad, Mike. As soon as they got back, Preston ran up on the front porch. He placed his hand on his heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Their new doorbell camera captured the special moment.

Mike recalls putting the bike in the garage, then turning around to find his son gone. He yelled for Preston, and he came running back into the garage. At that time, Mike wasn't aware of what Preston had been doing. Dad decided to see what was captured by the doorbell camera. When his dad found the video clip of his son reciting the Pledge, he was floored.

It was so ironic that an act of vandalism against the flag prompted them to get a doorbell camera that captured this special moment. Preston's mom was impressed. It's a total mom pride moment that she will never forget. The little boy has captured a lot of attention. He was on Good Morning America where he said, "The United States is the best country ever."

See Preston's heartfelt reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance for yourself. What do you think? Let others see this special moment by passing the link on to others.