Little Girl Looks Into Eyes Of Damaged Dog Who Gave Up—Hope Is Restored

Sep 24, 2020

When a Los Angeles-based organization Rescue From The Hart found out about a purposely starved dog on the brink of death a few years back, they pulled together and removed the animal from her abusive environment to show her love, affection, and hope for a life renewed. It took months of diligent work, but finally, the once dying dog began to thrive and found her forever home with a family who would love her unconditionally. Rescue From The Hart uploaded a video detailing this incredible story back in 2015.

Be sure to scroll down this article to see the full video.

When Rescue from the Hart found the dog, who they would name Angel, they knew it would take a lot of work to bring the emaciated dog back to good health again — if it was even possible. When the rescuers found her, you could see every bone protruding from Angel's body. Her condition was so horrific, in fact, the poor animal couldn't stand up on her own.

Because they couldn't feed her too much food too quickly, the volunteers had to be patient and take their time showing Angel that she could trust humans again. Feeding Angel small pieces of kibble from their hands, the kind-hearted rescue team finally coaxed the animal to trust and eat a little at a time, as you'll see in the video below.

One day, after several sessions of being hand-fed, Angel finally found the strength to stand up on her own and wander around the room to gobble up pieces of food strewn about the floor. It took months of hard work and dedication, but Angel was finally getting well again.

When an animal has been abused so severely for so long, it takes a lot of patience, time, love, and dedication to find trust in others again. They were pleased to see that another temporary resident of Rescue from the Hart, Lily, had become fast friends with Angel.

Now that Angel was displaying signs of trust and a healthy body after months of working closely with her, the team at Rescue from the Hart knew it was time to find her forever home. It didn't take long for one little girl to look right in this pup's loving eyes and decide to take Angel home.

Once a dog who didn't trust humans enough to eat, purposely starved to the edge of death, and unable to stand on her own, Angel is now a thriving member of her new family. Not only does she have a family of humans that are dedicated to showing her love and affection, but she even has a playmate who she enjoys frolicking in the backyard with.

Animals like Angel need the help of volunteers like the good-hearted people at Rescue From The Heart, but these rescuers can't make a difference on their own. If you want to find out more about Angel's story, and see her progression from rescue to romping in the grass with her newfound friend, then check out this video of her story.

At the end of the video, you'll find a link to donate to the organization so that you can help them make a difference in the lives of animals like Angel every day.

Be sure to send this story to your animal-loving friends and family so they may find hope in a heartwarming story like this one in these often troubling times we're living in. Not only is Angel's story sure to bring a smile to their face, but it just may restore some hope in humanity or, at the very least, inspire them to make a difference. And let us know what you think about Angel's incredible story of recovery.

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