Little Boy Is About To Give Up But When Karate Classmates Start Cheering, He Tries Again And Breaks The Board

May 21, 2019

Sometimes all you need to reach your goal is a little bit of encouragement.

One sweet boy received the encouragement that he needed while attending his karate class at Bobby Dixon’s American Martial Arts Academy in Orlando, Florida. Five-year-old Phoenix was attempting to break a wooden board using a swift karate kick.

However, while his classmates were able to complete the task, Phoenix was struggling with the challenge.

Claudia Swonger, Phoenix's mom, was recording her son's attempts to break the board. Phoenix makes an attempt, falls down, and then gets back with the determination to succeed.

Sensei Erik Gianini tries to help out his student by giving him advice on how to break the board. However, it all becomes too much for Phoenix and he begins to cry.

Suddenly, Phoenix's classmates begin to shout words of encouragement to the frustrated child.

As the classmates begin chanting his name, Phoenix gets the strength to continue on with his quest to break the board. After failing the first time, Phoenix delivers a swift kick on the second attempt that is strong enough to finally break that board.

All of the children erupt with applause watching Phoenix succeed. The kids swarm Phoenix to congratulate him in reaching his goal.

Claudia was so touched by the outpouring of support that she took to social media to post the sweet video. 

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the joy to everyone you know. What a powerful lesson in the strength of teamwork and encouragement!