Life's Too Short To Waste Time On People Who Don't Deserve You

Nov 17, 2018

In life, there are some people who will just use you to get the things that they want. When you are going through a difficult time and are feeling insecure, it can be easy to get taken advantage of like this. However, life is way too short to spend time around people who are selfish, narcissistic, and simply not willing to have a two-way relationship.

Whether you are trying to form a romantic relationship or maintain a friendship, it is important to spend time with people who are willing, to be honest about their true intentions.

In romantic relationships, it can be easy for your partner to lie and tell you what you want to hear in order to get what they want. If you catch your partner in a lie here or there, it can be forgiven. However, if your partner continues to lie to you over and over again, it is time to get out of this toxic relationship. You need to have the courage to start a new life that will be much healthier for you in the long run.

Many of your so-called friends may be giving you feedback that is ultimately hindering your progress. If your friends talk down on your career, schooling, or other life choices, it is important to distance yourself from these negative people. Negativity never makes your life any better. You need to surround yourself with people who will lift you up and believe in your dreams.

Even if you feel like someone is going to change, is it really worth waiting around for months or even years for this change to happen? You have the opportunity to create a life that is healthy and productive. Remember that actions speak louder than words. How has your friend or partner been treating you? It is your life and you deserve to have friends and partner who will support you. Getting rid of negative people in your life can be a freeing experience.

If you are spending all of your energy trying to change negative people in your life, you are going to be disappointed quickly. People will only change if they truly want to make the change on their own. You shouldn’t have to spend countless hours trying to convince someone to be more positive and less selfish.

Instead, you should be working on yourself. There are positive people out there who can be great friends and strong partners. You don't need to try to change a negative person when there are so many other good options.

When you are looking for a partner, look for someone who is going to try to make you smile everyday. Surround yourself with people who take a genuine interest in what makes you happy and what you are passionate about. It feels so much better to be around people who want to make you smile rather than people who do not seem to care about your happiness or wellbeing.

Real friends will do whatever they can to make you happy. If you are in a bind, they will be there to help you. People who aren't truly your friends will be nowhere to be seen when you are in trouble. Your friends who actually treat you so well that you will forget what it was like to have crappy people around you.

Your life is way too short to spend time around people who will bring you down or lie to you. There are so many great people out there who truly just want to help their friends. When you have friends who are invested in your happiness and success, you will have a much better quality of life by surrounding yourself with people you can actually count on.

Do you have people you need to cut out of your life? Let us know in the comments and show this article to your friends and family so they know who's really important to you!