Librarian Who Hasn’t Updated Her Look In 8 Years Undergoes Complete Makeover

Apr 09, 2020

Not everyone worries all that much about changing his or her looks or sense of style. Makeovers can be fun, but they don't fall under the category of "mandatory."

A librarian from Connecticut decided it was time for a makeover. She was nearing 50 years of age and wanted to do something special, so she allowed the Rachael Ray Show to change her looks and was pleasantly shocked at the change in her appearance afterward.

Wendy, a librarian, was nearing her 50th birthday. She wanted to do something a little different. Wendy's brown, wavy hair remained her signature style choice for the past eight years.

There wasn't anything wrong with her hair or looks, but Wendy felt the "big 5-0" should accompany some changes in life. Undergoing a makeover represented the chosen way to make the desired change.

Wendy opted to have all her long hair cut. She chose an incredible platform to undergo the makeover. Wendy appeared on the "Rachael Ray Show" to discuss why she never cut her hair nor shopped for top-of-the-line clothes. Wendy also believed a makeover could give her a confidence boost in life.

In front of a studio audience and millions of people watching at home, Wendy underwent a stunning makeover. When the stylist finished, Wendy stood stunned at her new look. 

“I don’t recognize myself,” she said. “I feel like such a different person.”

The stunned feeling was the right kind of amazed. Wendy was thrilled at how the makeover turned out. The makeover will, hopefully, give Wendy the sustained confidence boost she sought. 

Do you know someone like Wendy? Do you think Wendy's story would give people upbeat feelings? If so, tell them Wendy's tale. The story is an inspiring one for sure.