Learn How To Freeze Avocados To Enjoy Them Whenever You Like

Jan 28, 2019

Avocados have such a short life after you bring them home. Sometimes you aren’t able to use them fast enough before they become inedible. Use this clever avocado freezing tip so you can have them whenever you want.

Prepare the Avocados

The first thing you need to do in order to freeze avocados so you can have them whenever you want to prepare them. Take each individual avocado and slice it in half vertically. Next, lay each half on a cookie sheet. Use a chef’s knife or something similar to remove the pit from the avocados. To do this, hold the half of avocado in your one and then gently strike the pit with the blade of the chef’s knife with your other hand. The pit will become embedded in the knife blade and you can gently hit the knife on the side of the bucket or colander to release the pit from the knife blade.


Scoop Out the Insides

Once you have all the avocado pits removed, you can begin to scoop out the insides. The reason that you don’t want to freeze the avocados with the skin on is that it would be more difficult to remove the skin from the frozen avocado. To do this, use a large spoon such as a tablespoon. Take the half of avocado in one hand and gently maneuver your spoon so it’s between the meat of the avocado in the skin. Gently move your spoon down to scoop out the entire insides in one piece, if possible. Place that on a second cookie sheet. Now go back and get the rest of the avocado meat that you missed. The dark green meat that is closest to the skin has the most nutrients, so you don’t want to throw that away. Place that on top of the rest of the avocado meat.

Freeze Overnight


Place the entire cookie sheet with all the avocados inside your freezer. You don’t have to worry about covering it. Leave it overnight to freeze. This way, you will have individual avocados ready to eat whatever you want to make something like a green smoothie or something else. In the morning, after the avocados are frozen, place all of the avocados in a plastic bag. To use them in a smoothie, just take one out of the bag and add it to your blender. Now you can enjoy fresh avocados all year long!

What do you think about this tip - are you going to try it out? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to tell your avocado loving friends about this!