Learn How To Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely

Dec 18, 2018

Loneliness can oftentimes lead to a feeling of emptiness, sadness, and depression. Going through this is not a fun feeling, and you strive to get out of this rut. The biggest misconception is that being alone and feeling lonely are the same thing, but they are completely different and complex experiences.


You can actually feel lonely even when you are with other people if you just don't seem connected to those you are with. You can also have plenty of amazing people in your life without having to be with them to feel joy or gratitude. The phrase, "feeling alone" can have a multitude of different meanings depending on the situation. 

This might make you wonder what it is that makes you most happy and gives you more joy? Being alone or spending time with people?


The Difference Between Introverts and Extroverts


The simple truth is that you can also be a mixture of both of these people. Some people are outgoing and enjoy the company of others as an extrovert but also regain their energy by being home and spending time alone. Introverts know that being alone physically is not at all a bad thing if you prefer it. There is an issue, however, if you don't like being alone and experience chronic loneliness. Extroverts definitely don't like being alone and strive to find ways to be around other people. Being alone as an extrovert makes you feel slightly lonely and a bit restless.

Use the following tips to help you better navigate through yourself and learn how to spend time alone without feeling lonely:

Strengthen Current Relationships


It is in the moments when you don't feel a strong connection to your friends and family where you feel genuinely alone. That makes it harder to be alone. But it's important that you take this time to strengthen your current relationships. Take your time alone to connect with others and foster relationships. Connect with others through text or video call them to realize that you're not alone at all. All it takes is a call.

Make Good Use Of Your Alone Time


Being alone does not mean the moment has to be uneventful. In fact, it can be a time of enjoying your own company. Take yourself out to a movie, theme park, or even a nice place to eat. It's quite a blast just enjoying your own self and seeing different sights without other people.

It can be a time to also improve your skills in an activity or take up a new hobby. Ever wanted to learn how to play the piano, take up photography, or sing? If you have that time to yourself, use it to better yourself. Use your alone time to improve yourself.

Make It A Time To Reach Out


It is very common for chronic loneliness to continue hanging over your head. If it's beating you down, it's important that you spend time on reaching out for help. It's important to reach out to someone to give you the advice you need. Whether it's psychotherapy, a therapist, or even simply being more open to your loved ones and asking for advice, it's vital for your sanity.

The key is to remind yourself that you are in no way alone at any time. It's about understanding what is going to help you when you're feeling alone. If you're feeling down, use the tips above to help craft the best possible options for you to use to feel better.

How did this article make you feel? Did it make you see your alone time differently? Let us know in the comments and remember that being alone doesn't need to feel like you're alone in this world - you're not. Be sure to pass this article on to your loved ones to let them know that they're never alone.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!