King Charles III & Camilla, Queen Consort Formally Crowned During Coronation Ceremony

May 05, 2023

King Charles III acceded the British throne on Sept. 8, 2022, the same day his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, passed in Balmoral. While it is not necessary for a monarch to be crowned in order to become king, the coronation ceremony is a formality and a state occasion. This means that while Charles may offer his views, at the end of the day, full control of the guest list and other details are with the government as it is footing the bill.

The last time a coronation took place was Elizabeth’s on June 2, 1953, at Westminster Abbey, the setting for every coronation since 1066. It was also the first time the ceremony had ever been televised. An estimated 27 million people in the United Kingdom and millions more around the world watched as the sixth queen of England was crowned. She and her husband, Prince Philip, rode the exquisitely decorated Gold State Coach from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey pulled by eight horses.

Elizabeth donned an intricately designed gown embroidered with the emblems of the UK and the Commonwealth in gold and silver thread for the ceremony that lasted almost three hours. The event comprised six parts: the recognition, the oath, the anointing, the investiture and crowning, the enthronement and the homage. The affair was witnessed first-hand by 8,251 guests, including a young Charles.

On May 6, 2023, Charles celebrates his own coronation at Westminster Abbey, further marking his time as king. His wife, Camilla, has been referred to as Queen Consort since Elizabeth’s passing, but her title may change. The coronation is marked by the royal family as well as plenty of brilliantly talented guests. Keep reading to learn more about Charles’ coronation.

Prince Charles (2018), (Chris Jackson - WPA Pool via Getty Images)

While Charles is already technically king, holding a coronation is customary. According to the Associated Press, “There is no legal requirement for a coronation, and other European monarchies have done away with the ceremonies.”

Buckingham Palace’s assurance that the ceremony would be “rooted in longstanding traditions” but will also “reflect the monarch's role today and look towards the future,” has intensified talk that Charles will make some substantial changes to better reflect a modern monarchy.

Many traditions are maintained for the 2023 ceremony. Among them is the use of the Gold State Coach, which was extensively refurbished for the queen's Platinum Jubilee in early 2022 and has been used in every coronation since George IV’s in 1821. The elaborate horse-drawn carriage boasts intricate gilded carvings of cherubs and tritons, painted panels, and an interior lined with velvet and satin. The coach is so heavy it has to be pulled by at least eight horses, and even then, only at the pace of a walk.

While the coronation is no doubt an event that conveys grace, elegance and tradition, it is also a fun and joyous occasion for the royal family and everyone in the Commonwealth. According to the Evening Standard, a life-size chocolate bust of Charles was created over the course of four weeks, using more than 3.7 gallons of melted Celebrations chocolate and weighing more than 51 pounds. It was embellished with mini candy bars. Celebrations senior brand manager Emily Owen said, “What better way to celebrate this moment in British history than immortalising HM King Charles III using the nation’s ultimate sharing treat.”

Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles (2019), (Paul Edwards - WPA Pool via Getty Images)

According to the Telegraph, Charles’ coronation concert will be held on May 7, 2023, at Windsor Castle. It will be filled with “global music icons” and “contemporary stars,” including Katy PerryLionel RichieNicole ScherzingerOlly Murs and Take That. There will also be the Coronation Choir, which consists of 300 singers from diverse backgrounds. Other notable stars attending the event include Dame Joan Collins and Tom Cruise, with Sir Tom Jones joining in via video message.

Royal UK reported that the Coronation Big Lunch will also take place on May 7, 2023. Neighbors and community members are “invited to share food and fun together.” The Big Help Out will take place the following day, which encourages people to volunteer and do their part to support their local areas.

The Royal Collection Trust has continued to pique interest in the event by posting fun facts on Instagram. For instance, one post stated the most popular month for holding a coronation is April, with King Charles II being one of them. There have also been eight coronations that took place on a Thursday.

According to Sky NewsCamilla will be beside Charles when he is formally crowned as king. And while Elizabeth had stated that she wished Camilla would be called Queen Consort following Charles’ accession, Buckingham Palace used “Queen Camilla” on the coronation invitations. After Charles’ six-part coronation ceremony completes, Camilla will have a “similar, but simpler ceremony, as per Sky News.

The BBC reported that Prince William and Princess Catherine are attending. Prince Harry also confirmed his attendance, but Meghan Markle won’t be there as it coincides with their son’s birthday. 

Charles’ ceremony is sure to be one for the history books.

Prince Charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (2021), (Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson Collection via Getty Images)

What do you think about the way King Charles III has gone about his coronation? What surprised you the most about the event? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to any royal family fans you know!

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