Kind Woman Rescues Chained Up Dog, Then He Thanks Her In The Sweetest Way Possible

Aug 22, 2018

Your heart will melt at this dog’s response to being saved! A sweet woman couldn’t stand to see dogs chained up and suffering in horrible 100 degree weather.

The thermometer read over 100 degrees outside. It was unbearable. Yet someone left their dogs in the scorching sun, bound by a two-foot chain. The dogs could hardly move, let alone get relief.

She waited a few days for the owners to do something, but they never did. The dogs didn’t even have water. The sight of them haunted this poor woman; she had to do something.

She made up her mind and took action, rescuing the dogs and loading them into her van. Seeing their condition brought her to tears. How could someone do this? She’d put a small dog in the passenger seat. By now, she was sobbing for them and petting the little guy.

The sweet dog looked at her with big eyes and saw her pain. He crawled over and leaned against her! She was amazed that this abused, neglected dog was wrapping his paw around her arm, grateful and loving.

She couldn’t believe this animal showed so much love and sympathy for her!

Luckily she caught the special moment on tape as the dog hugs her and comes to console her. Don’t let your friends miss out! What would you would do in her situation?