Kind-Hearted Small Dog Rescues Tiny Homeless Kitten In A Downpour By Bringing Her Back Home

Feb 26, 2020

The one thing worse than going out in the rain is being stuck in the rain. A little kitten found herself drenched in an Abilene, Texas downpour. Sadly, the little kitten was homeless. There was no door for the creature to scratch upon to go inside. Thankfully, help came from an unlikely friend. Hazel likely heard the kitten's cries and responded. Hazel is a family dog and one with a big heart.

Realizing the kitten's situation was dire, Hazel ran out into the rain to fetch the little one. Hazel had a little help. According to Paws Planet, her owner, Monica Burks, opened the door for Hazel so she could relieve herself outside. Usually, Hazel would come right back, but this time, Hazel did not immediately return. She also didn't return alone. Monica saw Hazel guiding the kitten and realized a rescue had taken place. She immediately took out her camera to capture the precious moment.

Hazel has a tough time trying to save the kitten, as the poor feline found shelter under a shed and would not come out. Hazel had to convince the kitten to do so. Hazel must come off as a trustworthy and likable four-legged soul. The kitten did take a big risk since dogs can turn out to be predators. Hazel was more of a savior than a predator.

The kitten, now named Sheba, no longer has to hide under sheds. Since her rescue, she found a forever home with Monica's brother, Michael, reports Paws Planet. And Hazel deserves a lot of thanks for the outcome.

Doesn't this story make you feel uplifted? Invoke those same positive feelings in your friends and followers by spreading the tale of kindhearted Hazel and her new friend.