Kids Have Absolute Melt Down When They Realize They're Going To Disney, Not Grandparents' House

Nov 13, 2018

Most people assume that every child wants to go to Disneyland. You can watch countless families stream into the theme park with their children each year. It seems obvious that children would love a chance to visit their favorite rides, but it turns out that one child completely disagrees.

One older sister recently recounted her trip to Disneyland with her younger sister. She was 10 years old at the time, and her sister was 7 years old. When they got in the car, their parents told them that they were going to visit their grandmother for the day.

The only problem is that both girls knew the way to their grandmother's house. When they started driving the wrong way, the younger sister became unbearably upset. At this point, the parents shared the wonderful news. They were going on a surprise trip to Disneyland.

While the older sister also loved her grandparents, Disneyland was a special treat that they only received once a year. She did not understand why her little sister didn't want to go to Disneyland instead.

It turns out that this story is not the only one out there like it. Recently, a video went viral after it was shared by the Facebook page, Life of Mom. In the film, the mother tells her children that she lied about going to grandma's house. Horrified, the children stared back in shock. Then, the mother told them that the amazing truth was that they were going to Disneyland.

The sister immediately jumped out of bed and was clearly excited. Her brother was so unhappy that he threw a tantrum. As he calmed down enough to talk, he demanded to know why his mother lied to them. When his sister heard this question, she became upset again as well.

While the poor children are clearly upset, there is something so adorable about their reactions. Since the video was first released, it has been viewed more than 11 million times. A number of the comments have agreed with the children. Apparently, there are many people who believe that going to grandma's house is much better than going to Disneyland.

Do you think that Disneyland is better than going to your grandparents' house? See what your friends think about this heartfelt video by showing them this article!