Kelly Clarkson Pays Tearful Tribute To Victims Of Santa Fe Shooting Before Billboard Music Awards

May 23, 2018

On May 20th, Kelly Clarkson took the stage at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards and paid tribute to those who were lost in the Santa Fe school shooting just 48 hours before the celebratory music event.

Clarkson is a mother of four herself, and she was teary-eyed as she voiced her empathy for the victims and their families. She expressed how she was told to give a moment of silence, but she has grown tired of moments of silence.

"Why don’t we not do a moment of silence, why don’t we do a moment of action?" Clarkson asked. She drew upon how what we are currently doing is not working, and how it is time to take action.

Clarkson is a Texas native, which is why this tragedy strikes even closer to home for her. She talked about how she could not imagine being in a similar situation as the mother of four kids. She detailed how heart-wrenching it would be to receive that call that her child was a victim of a similar circumstance.

The singer drew upon how parents should have the comfort of being able to send their children places without the accompanying fear of what could potentially happen to them.

"We are failing our children, we’re failing our communities," the Texas native tearfully exclaimed before she went on to acknowledge those who were injured and fatally shot. 

Clarkson continued to convey how imperative it is for us as a nation to take action against school shootings. We have historically offered prayers and moments of recognition for the victims, but we've lacked in the area of actually putting forth an effort to make these tragedies stop.

To hear Kelly's full message, watch the video below:

Let's all take Kelly's advice in moving towards fewer instances of gun violence in our school districts by relaying her message to our friends and family.