Keith Urban Surprises Fan With Performance At Hospital Bedside, Making Her "Dying Wish" Come True

Oct 26, 2018

Keith Urban is a talented country singer. He has taken the world by storm with his songs over the years. Keith Urban fans also know how wonderful of a person he is. His kind acts have taken the world by storm.

Marissa English has always been a dedicated Keith Urban fan. Unfortunately, Marissa has many health issues that have gotten in the way of her daily life. She had bought tickets to his Toledo, Ohio concert. Sadly, she was in the hospital and could not attend the concert.

She has several conditions including cerebral palsy, scoliosis, and a cyst on her brain. She is now needing to go into hospice care. Doctors do not think she will be alive for much longer. Actually, they told her family they have up to a year to be with her.

Marissa was incredibly heartbroken to learn she may never attend a Keith Urban concert ever again. She has pictures of him plastered on her hospital walls and has a pillow with his face on him. She wrapped one of her tour t-shirts she got at one of his concerts and wrapped it around the pillow.

One of her nurses says she has a fascination with Keith and his music. Marissa's mother says she even kisses the pillow sometimes and calls Keith Urban hot.

Marissa's nurses were dedicated to her and wanted nothing but great things to happen to the young woman. They decided to take up social media and campaign for Marissa. They wanted to do everything they possibly could to allow her to see Keith Urban. They wanted to bring him to the hospital to meet her at least face time with her.

Their prayers were answered because Keith Urban decided to pay Marissa a visit. He saw the campaign on social media and went to St. Vincent hospital. It was more than any of the nurses could have asked for. Marissa and her family were absolutely shocked. Check out the video here:

When he arrived, he chit-chatted with Marissa about life and other things. Additionally, he sang to her one of her favorite songs of his, "Blue Ain't Your Color" by her hospital bed. Marissa's expression was priceless as he performed for her.

Marissa's family bawled like babies as he performed because they knew just how important this was to Marissa. Marissa's sister told Keith Urban how thankful they are to him for what he's done. Keith later posted on social media saying he "met a beautiful girl named Marissa that is probably his biggest fan." At his Toledo concert, he dedicated the entire show to her. 

Tell us what you thought of this heart-warming story between Keith Urban and Marissa English. Did it bring you to tears? Spread the love by passing this on to your friends and loved ones.