Keep Your Phone Away From Your Bed At Night - It May Be Causing You Irreversible Damage

Jul 26, 2018

Almost everyone has a cell phone. We pick it up when we wake up, carry it with us throughout the day, and keep it close when we fall asleep. Normal, right? Well, it may be a ritual we all follow, but it certainly isn’t safe!

Scientists have been working on data concerning the influences our cell phones have on our bodies. Their conclusions will make you analyze your need to keep the device close to you every day!

The research was conducted by The California Department of Health. Scientists based their theories on the fact that our cell phones have to emit low-frequency radio signals in order to transmit information to one another. When compared to other forms of radiation, these waves aren’t as dangerous to us, but we still must consider that they do pose a danger to anyone with a device.

We are under the influence of this radiation the most when our cell phones are kept close to our bodies. We all keep our phones close, and Dr. Devra Davis, an American epidemiologist, warns against this. She says that it has never been a good idea to keep your phone directly on your body. This includes keeping the phone near your head while talking, as well as carrying the phone in your pocket or somewhere on your body.

Many people are surprised when they hear about these findings.

However, many popular manufacturers, such as Apple, do warn their users about the presence of harmful radio emissions found in their phones. These warnings are found in the instructions. While the levels of radiation do meet the safety standards, there are tips that should be followed that will help users avoid the negative consequences that may occur. For example, using your speakerphone is recommended.

Scientists paid close attention to how destructive the radiation could be on a young child’s body. They say too much contact with a phone could lead to ear diseases and even brain tumors due to the frequent close contact of the phone to the individual’s head. Psychologists also claim they have seen a decrease in attention levels and an increase in mental health issues and sleep disorders due to the constant use of cell phones.

Because of these high risks, cell phones are prohibited in primary and secondary schools in France.

Dr. Davis stated that experts in France tested out cell phones using the same mode commonly used by the public. They found that the radio frequency levels exceeded the permissible amount by four times. Results were found to be seven times higher in American standards.

Research has also found that men who always keep their cell phones in their pants pockets have been found to have a lower sperm count. The sperm they do have are of lower quality.

If the phone has two or more SIM cards, there will be a higher amount of radio waves given off. This is because the phone is constantly receiving and sending large files, emitting more radio waves. Additionally, using a cell phone in a moving vehicle will require a more powerful connection as the phone is looking for a signal.

So what exactly can you do to protect yourself? Experts recommend the following tips:

We hope you keep these tips in mind, especially if you have young children! Let us know what you think in the comments, and show this article to friends and family to reduce their risk of radiation from cell phones.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!