Kate Middleton And Prince William Reportedly Took Their Kids On Incognito Vacation To The Isles Of Scilly

Aug 05, 2021

The Cambridge couple of Prince William and Kate Middleton are known for their family values, and summer vacation is no exception. After recently taking Prince George to watch the Euro competition final at Wembley Stadium against Italy, the Cambridges are now planning their summer holiday. Every summer, the royal Cambridge family takes a break from their royal outings and public appearances to spend some quality family time with their three children: Prince George, 7, Princess Charlotte, 6, and Prince Louis, 3. 

In the past, the Cambridges have enjoyed vacations in various places across the globe. For Prince George’s sixth birthday, they traveled to Mustique in the Caribbean islands. Kate and William also traveled as a couple before their marriage to Ibiza.

Most recently, Prince William accompanied his grandmother, the queen, on her annual royal visit to Scotland, as her late husband, Prince Philip, is no longer able to join her on her royal tours. After being escorted by Prince William, Princess Anne took over to accompany Queen Elizabeth II for the latter half of the tour that took place earlier this month. Aside from royal tours, there are many destinations that the royals enjoy around the world, even in their private life.

It’s been expected that the Cambridge family would take a summer holiday, but up until recently, the destination was still in question. According to Hello! Magazine, the family opted for a staycation, having secretly traveled to the Isles of Scilly on the southwestern tip of Cornwall. Read on to learn more about the Cambridge family’s summer vacation.

Previous Royal Family Vacations

Catherine (2019), (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

In the past, the Cambridge family has had many different luxurious vacation destinations. It’s not uncommon for the royal family to venture out and explore the wide world before them, as they have been lucky enough to spend some quality time in the most beautiful places. Back in July 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge treated themselves and their three children to a beautiful family staycation in the Isles of Scilly. 

Hello! Magazine reported that William had once vacationed there with his parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and his younger brother, Prince Harry, back in 1989. The Isles offer a “simpler, kinder and more peaceful” quality of life, as per Hello! Magazine. The destination is full of amazement as it offers more than 35 gorgeous beaches and five inhabited islands. The family of five was spotted cycling around Tresco Island, one of the inhabited islands that is privately owned, as per Hello! Magazine.

The Cambridge family’s vacation was quick yet well needed as the parents had been juggling home-schooling their eldest kids alongside catering to their daily royal engagements and duties. Someone who spotted the family noted just how happy they looked. “William and Kate were riding their bicycles, having a laugh,” the Isles of Scilly visitor said. “They looked so happy enjoying the weather.”

A source told the Mirror what led the couple to make their last-minute decision to visit the Isles of Scilly. “They decided on a quick getaway before the children return to school,” the source explained. “They were keen to support our travel industry.”


Enjoying Some Quality Family Time

Prince George (2019), (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Since summer trips have become customary for the Cambridge family, they once again opted for a staycation in 2021 at the beautiful Isles of Scilly. Hello! Magazine reported that the family of five was spotted enjoying their quality time together at the vacation destination. Other islands along the Isles of Scilly include St. Mary’s, St. Martin’s, Bryher, and St. Agnes, which the family would be able to island-hop across via tripper boats. Known for the crystal clear blue waters and warm sandy beaches, the Cornish Islands have easily been considered a great choice for family relaxation and vacation.

Back in July 2021, Charles and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, visited St. Mary’s Island and Bryher Island while carrying out an official three-day visit to Devon and Cornwall, as per Hello! Magazine. Upon arrival, the couple and other visitors would be able to witness the “natural wonder” of the Isles of Scilly, according to the vacation destination’s official website.

William and Kate are known for being incredible parents to their three children and carrying out their royal duties to the fullest extent possible. When given the opportunity, they take time away from their hectic lives to spend some quality time with each other and their adorable kids while vacationing some of the most beautiful places in the world. Doing their best to keep their life as private as possible, the family opted for a staycation with their children in the summer of 2021, as they privately returned to the Isles of Scilly.

Prince William, Catherine (2019), (Antony Jones/Getty Images)

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