Judges Never Expected This Audition From An Adorable Little Blonde Girl

Nov 15, 2018

She stepped on the stage at Ukraine's Got Talent. No one knew what was about to happen or even what to anticipate. This precious little girl wore a blue and white dress and had her hair in pigtails. She had the appearance of what you would expect a young singer to wear, but her goal surpassed what a young singer would bring. She was ready to shock everyone with her ability!

In no time, she struck everyone, they were all staring at her in completely disbelief. Once you hear her, I'm sure you'll be sitting there with your mouth hanging open. When the music starts, you can tell there's confusion as everyone is trying to figure out what she is about to do or sing.


At the beginning, she pops out a little dance while moving forward and then back. The camera zooms in on her quirky shoes. They are pointy and kind of fluffy. That's when it happens, she begins to sing, and not just your normal kind of singing. Her voice is one of a kind but yet so strong and addicting.

She has somewhat of a country twang but that's not the only thing that is different about her. A few moments into her song, she gives us a shock with quite a change in her voice. You can tell that no-one was expecting her to do this.

The judges look around at each other as they are somewhat in shock and awe. I'm sure they don't see a lot of performances like this. One of the judges even goes as far as to raise her eyebrows when this little blonde does her first bout of a small yodel.

Another judge claps to the beat of the music as they all three bounce along. It's a catchy little tune for sure.

The run of her first, little yodel is impressive and catches everyone's attention, but little do they know that's just the beginning.

She keeps on with her song, not missing a beat or a note.

Then, she goes full-on yodel!

She sounds like a pro that's been yodeling for years and years. You could compare her to the Alaskan singer "Jewel" if you have ever heard her yodel. Everyone's jaws drop at her amazing performance. By the crowd's reaction, you can tell they have picked a favorite. There's no doubt that the judges are three of her newest fans too!

Check out this audition and let us know what you think in the comments! Feel free to send it on to someone else who could use some cheer in their life.