Judge Calms Fussy Baby Boy As He Swears-In Mom As Lawyer So He Can Be Part Of Her Big Moment

Nov 20, 2019

It was the end of one chapter and the beginning of another in the life of Juliana Lamar. She had finished law school, passed the bar exam, and the rewards of all that hard work was finally hers. Her long-held dream of becoming a licensed attorney was happening.

Judge Richard Dinkins of the Tennessee Court of Appeals in Nashville, whom Juliana referred to as her mentor, stood ready to administer her official oath. As she beamed with pride in front of him, he decided that one tiny detail was missing: her baby, Beckham. He then took things—actually, the baby—into his own hands.

As Judge Dinkins multitasked with the baby in his right arm, holding the oath in his left hand and reciting it, history was being made. Juliana clerked for him during law school and she felt it was only natural that he be the one to swear her in to the TN State Bar.


With Beckham's inclusion in the ceremony, Judge Dinkins would take the memorable facet of Juliana's swearing-in to another level. As detailed in The Metro, he had the foresight to see that involving Beckham in this momentous occasion would make him a witness to a historic milestone in his mother's life.

The Belmont College of Law graduate never took sole credit for her outstanding accomplishments. In fact, she concedes that without the support of her husband, she would not have been able to walk this journey. She also credits God, her mother and even Beckham for the inspiration he gave to keep her going when the going got tough.

Juliana is proof that, with the support of family and friends, and a willingness to sacrifice and work hard, you can fulfill your dreams when the odds are not in your favor. However, she does not pretend that it was easy. It was not; but, she had a goal and determination.

She hung in there. In fact, after Beckham’s C-section birth, she was physically restricted and unable to climb stairs or drive a vehicle. A week later, however, she made it back into class. And, the rest is "herstory."

What obstacle did you or someone you know overcome to defeat the odds? Pass this on to someone who may need a boost. Tell us your thoughts on the story below.