Jennifer Lopez Teaching ARod's 13-Year-Old Daughter How To Dance On Family Boat Will Make You Super Jealous

Jul 03, 2018

Everybody loves to dance, but not everyone can look as good as Jennifer Lopez while busting out their favorite moves, especially not a child. ARod's 13-year-old daughter dancing to Jennifer Lopez's choreography will definitely put all of your moves to shame. Watch the two execute their dance routine flawlessly.

Most people like to relax during their vacation, but not J-Lo! She can still be seen practicing her dance moves even on boats. Even though she works hard, this video of J-Lo dancing with ARod's oldest daughter Natasha shows that she is definitely a cool mom.

The media went nuts when Jennifer Lopez and retired baseball player Alex Rodriguez started dating over a year ago. By the looks of their recent joint-family vacation to Idaho, the couple couldn't be any happier. This clip of Jennifer teaching Natasha how to dance like a pro like her will definitely put a smile on your face.

While most adults would struggle to keep up with Jennifer's dips, pops, and shakes, Natasha handles the choreography effortlessly. Perhaps she may have a future career in dancing! Who knows, if J-Lo is still performing a few years down the road, maybe she can bring Natasha up on stage to join her as a backup dancer. Can you think of a funner way to bond with your family?

ARod's photos and videos shared to his Instagram account show a beautiful, close-knit family just happy to be able to enjoy each other's company. It's one thing to have chemistry with a partner, but it's incredible when two families can join as one and be filled with so much love.

Do you know any J-Lo fans who could keep up with her choreography as well as Natasha? Be sure to spread this awesome video around to add some spunk to your friends' lives!