Jane Fonda Arrested In Washington D.C. For Climate Change Protest

Oct 14, 2019

Actress and activist Jane Fonda has moved to Washington D.C. to fight for the climate and was arrested on Friday for protesting.

Fonda was found to be part of a group demonstrating directly outside of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C. It was part of her ‘Fire Drill Friday’ campaign, in which she vowed to protest on the steps of the Capitol building every week through January.


The Capitol Police confirmed to the LA Times that 16 people were arrested on Friday for obstructing or crowding. A reporter from WUSA was on the scene and documented the arrest.

Inspired by Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg, Fonda was sparked to act. Fonda’s campaign will be joined by celebrities, economists, scientists, and those affected by climate change to bring light to the crisis.

“I will be on the Capitol every Friday, rain or shine, inspired and emboldened by the incredible movement our youth have created,” she wrote on her website. “I can no longer stand by and let our elected officials ignore – and even worse – empower – the industries that are destroying our planet for profit. We can not continue to stand for this.”

Each week will focus on different topics such as the Green New Deal and sustainable agriculture. In addition to the protest there will also be speakers, the first of whom included Naomi Klein and Jerome Foster, a high school student who has been protesting weekly outside of the White House.

It was not the first time 82-year-old Jane Fonda has been arrested. She was an outspoken activist during the Vietnam War and her mugshot for a 1970 arrest in Cleveland has become iconic according to 19 News.

What do you think of Jane Fonda’s move to Washington D.C. and her arrest? Let us know in the comments.