It's ‘Cat’—A Chimera Who Has A Unique Face And Cuddly Character

Jun 12, 2020

The internet has fallen in love with a cat. We understand that cats have owned the web for a while now, but this new feline has claimed the throne for its own. Out of Thailand comes Cat, a unique two-faced kitty with a lovable personality. Cat's quirks and antics have earned it the adoration of millions of people. Some of these idiosyncrasies include having a cockroach as a best friend and counting toilet paper as its favorite snack. What led to this feline's rapid rise to fame? There's quite a story behind this furry creature's popularity.

How Does Cat Have Her Two-Colored Look?

A big part of Cat's explosive number of followers is her look. This feline has what appears to be two faces thanks to her coloration. One side of her face is a snowy white, while the second side is ash gray. In an interview, Cat's owner, Eve, compared her look to that of Harvey Dent, the villainous Two-Face of Batman lore. This cuddly kitty is half Persian, half Scottish, and was born on August 23rd, 2018. It is suspected that the young cat owes its look to a genetic condition called chimerism, which is not that rare and occurs when a person or animal's make up comes from the cells of at least two different embryos, according to National Geographic.

Cat Conquers Instagram

Cat has become the darling of social media. This feline has an Instagram account where people can follow the many escapades and shenanigans that make up her life. This Instagram account is also a great place for interested parties to learn all about Cat's life.

As for her love of toilet paper, pictures of the satisfied kitty while she is surrounded by a clawed-up roll of the stuff shows how much enjoyment she truly gets. Does the thought of a cat becoming friends with a cockroach have you mystified? Cat is not a buddy to all cockroaches because she enjoys chasing down some of those bugs. With her exotic look and charming personality, it's no wonder why Cat has taken the internet by storm. Since felines have always been such a hit on social media and the web, it seems only natural that this fun and silly household pet has climbed her way to the top and into people's hearts.

Tell Us What You Think

What do you think of Cat? Do her unique looks and hilarious antics warm your heart? It is clear that Cat will join a group of other famous internet felines. Get in touch with all the kitty lovers in your lives and show them all these adorable pictures of Cat. Also, let us know all about your favorite internet feline moments!