It Needs A Strong Man To Capture The Heart Of A Single Mother

Jan 28, 2019

Attention all SINGLE MOMS!

Take some time and think about everything that the words “single mom” stand for. It’s much more than words. It stands for the role that one plays in their everyday life. These words stand for all of the love and care you express towards your children and all the tears you have shed whenever they asked why Dad isn’t around and you couldn't give them a right explanation.

It breaks your heart everytime you drop your children off to let them spend time with their dad. It's hard to raise your children with a man who used to be your everything but is nothing more than a stranger to you now.

The role of a single mother is loving and full of sacrifice, heart to heart talks, attention, and staying up all night when your child is sick. A single mom's life is filled with exhaustion from working 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet and provide everything your child needs and wants.

You don’t want your child to stand out and be made fun of. This is why you do the best you can to give them everything that other children have. You want them to fit in easily. You struggle with guilt because you know that they are already different just because they're parents aren't together.

This brings the world down on you. Your world is crumbling. You don’t think any part of what your life is fair and you feel that you need and desire something much better. But, then you realize that thinking like this is just a big waste of time. You have to set the negativity aside and put your little one first. If you aren’t there for them mentally, they will begin to fall apart too. They will be left to fend for themselves all alone.

Instead, your heart does the opposite of what you feel that you need and cries out. You wipe your face and throw the tears away. You have to go on and finish your day. You know that if there was someone else that things would likely be easier. You know that to have a man in your life, he would have to be amazing. This is because winning the heart of a single mom can only be done by a real man.

He'll need to be strong and accept you for who you are. This is the only kind of man that needs to be a part of your life. This man will need to have some knowledge of what he is getting into. He'll need to understand that your child is always going to be the top priority in your book. This means that plans can change in an instant if your child needs you. You would rather be with the person that you carried for an entire nine months than a guy who may be fun but isn’t perfect for you and your child.

A single mom doesn’t play games, aside from the ones she plays with her child. You won’t have any of the BS that typical relationships go through. You won’t take being emotionally bruised, battered, or neglected. You definitely don’t want your child thinking that an emotionally unstable relationship is acceptable. This isn’t an example you want to set. Staying single isn’t a bad thing if you can’t get what you deserve out of a man.

You don’t have a problem with standing up for yourself when needed and showing others your strong side. You’ve learned that being polite doesn’t always get you what you want. A man who is going after a single mom needs to understand that she won’t be sticking around for second chances. Your past is full of them and it only caused hurt and disappointment. Now, all you want is a love that is real and sticks. You want someone you are able to really rely on. You want someone who is both a lover and a friend. And, you are going to need someone that doesn’t make you feel the need to change yourself.

You’ve exerted a lot of effort to be where you are now and you shouldn’t give up, no matter what. This man will need to know that your ex is always going to be a part of your child’s life. He'll need to accept that this is for the child and there will be times that discussions will happen face to face. He’ll also need to understand that by accepting you, he must accept your child too.

To bring a child into another person’s life is very brave and this man will need to be honest about how he feels. This isn’t an easy task for any single mom. You won’t stay with anyone until you feel that this man is going to take care of your child just as you do. You’ll spend a ton of time finding out just exactly who he is before even letting him meet your child. This is because your child is your entire world and you certainly don’t want anyone to hurt them.

You are someone who will definitely go an extra mile for the person who is willing to take you as you are. You are glad to see a man who has faith in their love and who wants to enjoy the beauty of life with you. You want someone to come home to on good days and especially the bad ones. You want that person to snuggle up with and tell all your secrets to. You need someone that won’t take off when the first little bump hits. You need someone who is strong enough for you too and that will stick out the storms right along your side.

You are strong and you’re doing a great job by yourself. Don’t ever let anyone take that credit away. You need a man that is real. This is the only kind of man that is worthy to find your love. You need someone who understands that you have been broken and still are but they are more than willing to fall head over hills in love with you. Just because, you’re worth it.

Are you raising a child by yourself or do you know a single mom that needs some encouragement? Make sure to pass this on to anyone who might need to read this - Single moms need to be reminded that they are worth it!