It Is Significance What You Should Chase - Not Success

Dec 11, 2018

Financial growth and development oftentimes dictate the lives and futures of many.

Specific occupations are chosen based on money. Money can dictate how energy and time are spent, and even how relationships and families are built.

While it can encompass one's life, it sadly doesn't last as long as being a significantly strong person.

Why You Chase After Significance

Significance will always last. It will outlast you. When you depart from this earth, your legacy and what you have done can live in the lives of others. No one can take away the significance and the difference you made into the world.

Significance and making a different allows you to keep on giving, because when you positively change another human and they make a difference in someone else's life, it becomes a continuous ripple effect that never ends and can give you that deep satisfaction of starting it.

Having a strong moral character and thirsting for more is about having the significance that satisfies your deepest heart and being able to rest each night knowing you lived the day to its fullest. It's a shame most people only have goals on achieving future success financially.

You need to shift your mindset and approach your job and other aspects of your life differently to achieve a more signifiant lifestyle.

The Limitations Of Only Financial Success

The economy is always defining the net worth of people. Financial success is at the mercy of whether the economy is cooperating the right way or not. Don't forget that success ends on the die that you die. Every dollar and possession will be given and transferred to somebody else.

Whoever takes it will no longer be you. Success is also never going to be enough because you will always crave more and more. No matter what much you earn, it will cause you and make you want more.

Stop chasing success. Stop trying to make only money. Focus on making a difference and making people feel good about themselves. Try to be there for those who need you by joining local organizations and volunteering with charities that matter most to you.

Focusing on seeing significance can open the door for you to achieve success and growth as a person for the long road.

Live On Less

Try avoiding spending money on things that you don't need. There is never anything wrong with making money and spending it on luxuries that make you live a happy and fun lifestyle.

The issue is when you make that the one thing that takes over your life and you spend money on things that you don't need. Living on reduced expenses opens the door for you to save money and put your time in people instead of things.

- Be Inspired

There are all kinds of people who have made a difference by simply being themselves. Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela are two fairly recent inspirational people who are known for their incredible significance.

Read up on their life stories and get inspired. Mahatma Gandhi and Harriet Tubman are two people many years ago who are definitely worth reading about because of the change they have made.

Find A Career - Not On Your Current Job

Are you in a job that doesn't necessarily lead you to making a difference? Some people are blessed enough to have jobs that give them happiness and allows them to be significant.

However, if your job doesn't exactly feed your soul, you should consider dedicating your free time finding a side hustle or even just volunteering your time at a local organization. Doing so can fill your heart with the joy of doing good and creating change.

Life Doesn't Last Forever

Always remember that life is not going to go on forever. Everyone knows that life ends at some point but most like to ignore the thought. The moment you tackle the idea and remind yourself about the end of your life, you start to see things differently.

No one is too young to ever think about the legacy they can leave behind in the future. Think about all the people that you know are going to remember you.

What are you hoping to do before you go on? Try writing out a list of things you'd like to accomplish and change in the world. You'll be shocked at the incredible things you'll feel compelled to do when you think about the end of your life. Focusing on the end can allow you to work harder on doing things that matter to you.

Focus On People, Not Money

Avoid trying to make money off of people and start focusing on people. Try making a difference. Focus on the humans in your family, community, and good friends that you would like to invest more into. You are a person who can use the life you live to inspire and encourage those around you.

Do you usually chase success and forget to enjoy life? Let us know - and pass this on to your friends and family, you might inspire them to change their lives!