Is Your Body Digesting Meat Properly? 9 Warning Signs To Look Out For

May 17, 2018

Meat is a common component of many diets around the world, especially in the United States. But many people actually can't digest meat correctly. Meat's high protein and saturated fat content can make it hard to digest, and many types of meat also contain impurities that throw the body's systems out of balance.

Here are nine signs that your body might not be able to digest meat correctly. 

1. You're feeling constipated. 

If you haven't been as regular as usual, consider how much meat you've been consuming lately. Meat contains no fiber, which is essential to prevent constipation. Eating too much meat can cause things to get backed up in your intestinal tract.

2. You're starving all the time. 

Eating too much meat and not enough carbs can throw your hunger and satiety hormones out of whack. As a result, you might feel hungry and irritable all the time. 

3. You've got dark under-eye circles. 

Under-eye circles can be a sign that you're not getting enough sleep, but they can also be a sign that your body can't handle meat. Eating meat can set off processes in the body that give you dark under-eye circles, among other things. 

4. You've got high blood pressure. 

Meat - especially red meat and processed meat - is a well-known cause of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you eat too much meat on a regular basis, your heart health could suffer. High blood pressure is a sign that you need to cut back on animal products and eat more vegetables and whole grains. 

5. You're not smelling so good. 

Having a hard time keeping B.O. at bay, even though you wear deodorant and shower regularly? It could be a sign that your body is struggling to break down meat in your digestive tract. 

6. You're getting sick frequently. 

Eating meat frequently can increase your inflammation levels, which weakens your immune system. If you catch colds all the time, try cutting back on meat and see if your health improves. 

7. You feel tired all the time. 

Struggling to digest food can sap your overall energy and vitality. Feeling tired all the time could be a sign that meat doesn't agree with your digestive system. 

8. You feel sick to your stomach. 

Indigestion can give you nausea, especially when meat is the culprit. Some meat also contains bacteria that can make you feel sick. 

9. You're bloated. 

Bloating is a classic symptom of digestive trouble. If you feel bloated after eating meat, it's a good indicator that your body doesn't know how to digest it correctly. 

Have you noticed any of these symptoms in yourself after eating meat? Pass this article on to your friends and family and let us know your thoughts!