Influencer Mom Has No Regrets About Wearing Expensive Outfits While She Dresses Her Children In Cheap Clothes

Apr 19, 2023

Raising children is no easy task, so it’s common for parents to turn to each other or other resources for advice. However, unsolicited advice is usually unwanted and can even come across as judgmental. But this doesn’t always stop parents from trying to share their own ideas with each other and bestow their parenting styles on their fellow parent friends. 

There is no set way that all parents follow when it comes to raising their children. Everyone has their own parenting style, and they typically continue to find new ways to adjust it based on how their child reacts to their positive and negative reinforcements. While some people look at parenting as a way to build a great friendship with their children while still teaching them life lessons, others look at it as more of an authoritative role and are a bit tougher with their own kids.

For one mother by the name of Caitlin Fladager, she found that spending a large amount of money on her children’s clothes wasn’t really necessary. However, this caused many people to be frustrated with the influencer due to the fact that she buys herself designer clothes.

Fladager typically uploads videos and pictures of herself along with her family, showing off their dynamic for all of her followers to see. Still, some people were upset that she didn’t seem to want to give her kids the same luxuries she gives herself. In July 2020, the mom finally spoke out about her parenting style and shed light on some of her more personal choices.

On her Instagram account, Fladager uploads plenty of content showing off her family life alongside her husband and their children. It’s clear that she has a very loving relationship with her family and seems to go above and beyond to make her kids feel seen and heard. However, the mom received some backlash when people found out that she bought herself designer clothes and not her children.

In July 2020, Fladager went to Facebook to share her thoughts. In her post, she wrote:

“‘Your kids only wear clothes from Walmart, while you get dressed up a lot. Not a good look for you as a mom…’ That statement is something I get a lot. Yes, my kids’ clothes mostly come from Walmart, while I buy myself clothes from other stores.”

The mom continued:

“You know why? Because I am not constantly outgrowing them, like my kids are. I am not constantly spilling food and dirt all over my brand new clothes. I am not outside running around in the dirt for hours on end … I am not a kid.”

Fladager said that she hopes to teach her children that “there is more to life than having nice, expensive clothes,” and shared that they “love” their inexpensive clothes. “They love being able to spill, get dirty and outgrow clothes in a day with me not caring.”

Although the comment section wasn’t completely on the same page, many people agreed with Fladager and shared their own experiences buying clothes from thrift stores for themselves and their kids. Some even taught their children how to sew! All in all, it’s clear that each family has its own experience and can potentially share what works for them with others.

What do you think about this mom’s decision to buy herself expensive clothing but not for her children? Does your household follow similar rules? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family and friends.

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