Infant Stuck In Snowstorm For 3 Days, Finally Rescued By National Guard Soldier

Dec 17, 2018

Winter is a beautiful time of year. The once green and colorful outdoors are turned to a glistening white as snow gently falls from the heavens. Songs like Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” and Nat King Cole’s “The Christmas Song” remind us that wintertime allows us to stay inside and reconnect with our families in the warmth of our hearth and home.

Despite the beauty of the season and the chance it allows us to see family and friends, winter can also be dangerous. This past week, the southeast was pummeled by a relentless winter storm. Stretching all the way from Texas to Virginia, some places in the storm’s path got 20 inches of snow. Other communities consider themselves lucky, having only a foot to a foot and a half of snow.

In addition to major disruptions for schools, businesses, and travel, an estimated 400,000 homes in five states lost power. As state governments struggle to gain control of the situation, they’ve turned to the National Guard for assistance. Thus begins the story of Sergeant Donovan McPherson, a 27-year old member of the North Carolina National Guard. As part of his service with the National Guard, Sergeant McPherson was assisting emergency workers with the state’s emergency management hazard response team near Lenoir, North Carolina.

While the group was out on a call, they were informed of a family in a difficult position. Having lost power three days ago, the family was worried about the health of their infant daughter. The situation was all the more serious as the baby had just recovered from an illness and the mother, Jessica Gilbert, was worried that the little girl might get sick again. Gilbert requested the National Guard’s help in evacuating her child to a family in neighboring Hudson, North Carolina.

Sergeant McPherson jumped into action. Arriving at the family’s home, the kind soldier waited for the family to gather their belongings for the trip. Seeing Jessica struggling under the weight of all the baby’s supplies, Sergeant McPherson got out of his emergency vehicle and personally helped the distressed mom. 

He carried the child wrapped in a blanket and a car seat through the mounds of snow. A photo of Sergeant McPherson rescuing the baby later went viral. Commenting on the photo, Gilbert thanked McPherson for helping her family get to a warm, safe place.

What do you think of Sergeant McPherson’s story? Have you ever been without power for an extended period due to bad weather? Let us know and pass this heartwarming story to your friends and family!