Incredibly Rare Footage Of John Lennon And George Harrison Resurfaced

Oct 03, 2020

On September 21, 2018, a previously lost video footage of John Lennon and George Harrison was made public. The footage is a 1971 recording of the iconic pair working on the project, 'How Do You Sleep?' The footage captured the iconic team as they worked on the song that they did to get back at Paul McCartney, a former member of the Beatles.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Here is a preview of the song's lyrics,

'A pretty face may last a year or two.

But pretty soon they'll see what you can do.

The sound you make is muzak to my ears.

You must have learned something in all those years.'

Watching this video makes one believe that the duo has something special when undertaking an actual project together. You will be amazed at how they take charge of their instruments while also bringing out the perfect musical atmosphere. This sight from the footage seems impossible to comprehend, especially since the Beatles stopped their tours in 1966.

From the track, one can pick an intensity that emanates from the anger and cutting marks that were being directed at his former Beatles bandmate Paul McCartney. The remarks came as a response to a sarcastic comment that McCartney made in his debut album Ram. The audio also seeks to make McCartney look worse. The piece also features a slide guitar from a solo contribution made by George Harrison.

The lyrics in the audio include 'the only thing you done was 'Yesterday'' and 'the sound you make is muzak to my ears.' The song shows that it was aimed at putting down McCartney's music prowess and his contributions when he was part of the Beatles.

After the song was released, Lennon commented that it was an answer written to the Ram, although he did not want the comments to escalate to a war of words. When asked about his remarks, he said, "There's really no feud between me and Paul."

From the video, viewers get the opportunity to experience the raw studio mix from the dynamic duo's recorded audio. The video was released a few weeks from the due date for releasing the new 6-CD box set, Imagine – The Ultimate Collection.

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