In Heartwarming Video, Veterans Line The Hall To Pay Respect To A Late WWII Vet

Nov 21, 2018

Veteran's Day is set aside as a special day to commemorate all veterans, no matter what war they fought in. These brave soldiers show us what courage and sacrifice look like.

November 11th is the day we celebrate Veteran's Day in the U.S. On November 11, 1918, the armistice was signed which ended World War I. In 1938, legislation passed which declared November 11th as a day to honor the end of that great war. It was called "Armistice Day".

In 1954, the U.S. Congress decided to expand November 11th to become a day when all Americans could recognize the courage of soldiers, no matter what war they had fought in. To make this change, they replaced "Armistice" with "Veterans".

For those who have a loved one who served, Veterans' Day goes much deeper than it does for others. They have an understanding of the bravery and sacrifice involved. It comes out in the form of reverence.

Claudia Primos' father served in World War II, so she knows the deep-seated reverence due to veterans. While a lieutenant, her father served behind enemy lines in China, providing training for guerrilla fighters.

Mark D. Sherry, with the U.S. Army Center of Military History, authored an essay and brochure which explains the role Chinese fighters played in World War II. These brave men helped engage Japanese troops stationed in China. Otherwise, the Japanese troops would have been sent to fight Allied troops in the Pacific Theater.

World War II went on for six long years, fought on land, on the seas, and in the air. It is still one the largest military conflicts ever waged in history. Because it involved so many countries, spread across the globe, the War is often called the "mighty endeavor". The children of the veterans, like Primos, understand the price paid by their parents.

This deep understanding is one reason Primos decided to record her father's final journey. Her father died at a VA hospital and what happened next shows the respect due.

After her father's passing, his body was draped in the American flag. Then, it was rolled out on a stretcher for transport to the funeral home. As it happened at night, you might think the halls would be empty and silent. But, actually they weren't.

The video Primos recorded was originally to share with her siblings who were not there. However, it has since gone viral. Social media observers found it to be a deep expression of respect for veterans and for the nation's pride.

As the aide rolled the stretcher down the hospital halls, veterans and staff members alike lined up to pay respect to this fallen hero. Some stood, while others sat up in wheelchairs. Every one of them turned their attention to the flag-draped stretcher as "Taps" played.

Primos was blown away from the respect and reverence shown to her father. She shared the video on Facebook, remarking that the honor and respect shown was for all the men who had fought so bravely for America.

What do you think about this inspiring video? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass it along to your friends and family to honor the brave men and women who serve our country every day.