In An Incredible Transformation, Doctor Gives 22-Year-Old Six Months To Live So He Loses Hundreds Of Pounds

Nov 08, 2019

Most people struggle with weight at some point in their life. Whether it be trying to look your best for the summer beach season or trying to shed some of the pounds you packed on during the holiday season, losing weight is often times no easy task. Losing weight is at the center of Matthew Houser’s story. A resident of Bristol, Virginia, Matthew found himself in a life or death predicament as he struggled to lose weight.

Matthew was hospitalized back in 2016 when his lifestyle got out of control. Tipping the scales at over 800 pounds, Matthew thought that he might not have long to live. Speaking with reporters from The Mirror, a British newspaper, Matthew said that when he was hospitalized, he thought that he was on his deathbed. Matthew was so down that he even began planning his own funeral. Matthew’s doctor confirmed his assessment, saying that he only had 6 months to live.

Matthew says that the scary prognosis switched something on in his head. At only 22 years old, Matthew refused to die and went about losing weight. Continuing in his interview with The Mirror, Matthew said that at first, it appeared that shedding all that excess weight would be extremely difficult given his lifestyle. Matthew had been overweight since he was a child, which caused him to be bullied relentlessly in school and not have very many friends.

After three years of exercise and healthy eating, Matthew is now unrecognizable, having lost over 600 pounds. The now slim 25-year-old says that he lost the weight by working out two hours a day for six days each week and by keeping a food journal. Intent on helping others with their weight loss goals, Matthew recently setup an Instagram page to encourage people in his situation to not give up hope. In a recent post, Matthew concedes that losing weight can be hard but that it is possible.

What do you think of how Matthew lost over 600 pounds after being given only 6 months to live? Have you ever struggled with losing weight?