Important PSA: Pet Owners Warned To Not Walk Their Dogs On A Hot Day

Jul 25, 2018

It can actually be dangerous to walk your dogs when it is too hot outside.

Every dog owner knows that it is important to go on walks with your pet frequently. As we approach the height of the summer and the weather is nice, this seems like the perfect time to go on long walks with your favorite companion. However, there are several important precautions you must take when going out with your dog in the summer. Here are three ways to make sure that your summer walks are safe for you and your dog.

Make Sure The Ground Is Not Too Hot

We often forget how hot the ground can get during the summer. Unlike us, most of our dogs do not have shoes to protect them from the ground. Therefore, it is essential to use your hand to check how hot the ground is before you expect your dog to walk on it. If it is unpleasantly hot for you to touch, it will hurt for your dog to walk on. This is especially true of cement, which is notorious for burning dogs’ paws during the summer.

If the ground is consistently too hot during the day, you should walk your dog in the early morning or in the late evening when the sun is less intensely shining on the pavement.

Bring Water

If you are going on a long walk or a hike with your pet, you should bring some water for them. Pets can get heat exhaustion just like people, so it is important to make sure your pet stays hydrated. There are many options for collapsible bowls that can fold up to easily fit into your bag. However, any cup could work. Just make sure to bring water for you and your pet next time you go out with them.

Get Your Pet Groomed

Some dogs have a harder time in the summer, because they simply have too much hair or fur. This is especially true for dogs, like poodles, which have hair that continuously grows. Consequently, if your dog has trouble cooling down in the summer, especially if they tend to overheat easily on walks, it is be a good idea to get them groomed regularly during the summer. You will be suprised how much a simple shave can improve your dog's stamina in the summer

Make sure that you take these precautions before you walk your dog this summer, and make sure you let your friends and family know, so that we can make sure this summer is safe for all of our dogs.