Impatient Horse Has Had Enough Of Woman Struggling To Ride Bareback

Oct 04, 2018

After multiple unsuccessful attempts by its would-be rider to get seated on its back, a horse finally lost its patience. The horse was not going to wait any longer and took pity on the woman trying and struggling, to get on the horse's back.

The would-be rider is a young woman wearing just khaki shorts and a bikini top. Apparently believing that she has the skill to hop onto the unsaddled horse, she jumps. But, she only manages to get one foot to the top of the animal before sliding back down onto the ground.

The woman tries again, but looks more like she is preparing to ride the horse from the side, as one leg curls under the horse's stomach while the other tries, and fails, to get over the horse's back.

Her third attempt is even less successful, barely getting off the ground before she is back on it.

Before her fourth try, she hops from foot to foot to try to build to a higher jump. The tactic doesn't work, and she once again finds herself clinging to the side of the horse. This time, though, the horse isn't having it. It walks ahead a few steps as the woman tries to cling to, and ultimately slides down, the horse's side.

In a move that seems to be equal parts sympathetic and frustrated with the woman's failed attempts, the horse lowers itself to the ground so that, this time, the woman cannot possibly fail. Finally able to easily get herself astride the animal, the woman seats herself on the horse's back before they are off at a slow trot.

Although the horse and rider might both want to laugh at the entire situation, it's actually the videographer who gets the last laugh at the horse's impatience with its would-be rider's failures.

If you, like the videographer, had a chuckle, be sure to show the video to your friends and family.