If You're Middle-Aged, These 6 Daily Habits Are Probably Damaging Your Health

Jun 11, 2018

No one can remain a teenager forever, and by the time you hit middle age, you'll probably see some changes in your body. Many people notice that once they hit their mid-forties, their metabolism slows down, their body composition changes for the worse, and their hormones shift.

Good news, though: these negative changes aren't inevitable. While no one can completely avoid the effects of aging, your lifestyle makes a big difference in how gracefully - or not - you grow older. Here are six things you should limit or avoid doing if you want to stay healthy and fit as a middle-aged person.


1. Eating at restaurants 

It's easy to fall into the habit of eating out all the time, especially once you're middle-aged and actually have the money to do so. Trying new restaurants and dishes can certainly be fun, but it's not something you should do every day. Restaurants usually cook their food with a lot of oil, salt, and sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

Restaurant food also tends to not be very nutrient-dense, and getting all your nutrients is more important than ever when you get older. Learn to cook healthy and delicious meals at home, and save going out for special occasions. 

2. Not staying hydrated 

If you don't make an effort to drink water throughout the day, you could be dehydrated - and that's bad news. Dehydration can cloud your brain, make your skin look dull, and even make you hungrier. Carry a water bottle with you to ensure you stay hydrated, and avoid drinking soda - it hurts you more than it helps you. 

3. Indulging in too much alcohol 

It's easy to fall into the habit of drinking a beer or a glass of wine with dinner every night. High-quality alcohol can certainly be worth the indulgence sometimes, but it's not smart to drink it every day. A single drink can contain hundreds of calories and more sugar than a dessert! Alcohol is also hard on your liver. While it's fine to drink on special occasions, try not to do it every day. 

4. Eating "healthy" snacks that actually aren't so healthy 

Don't trust every label you read. Plenty of snacks that are marketed as "healthy" actually aren't. For example, some types of protein bars have more sugar than a candy bar. If you feel like grazing, pick a snack that's low in refined sugar and nutritious. Fruit, nuts, string cheese, and plain yogurt are good options. 

5. Eating too many low-fiber foods 

Fiber is important if you want to keep your microbiome healthy. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight by making you feel fuller after meals. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are good sources of fiber. 

6. Having a sedentary lifestyle 

Once you hit middle age, it's more important than ever to work out. If you're a couch potato, you will lose strength and muscle mass, and you won't like the results. Stay fit by creating a workout schedule that involves both cardio and strength training. 

No one can avoid aging, but your habits can make a big difference in how well you age. Avoid the six bad habits listed above, and you'll stay healthy and energetic throughout middle age. 

How Is Middle Age Treating You?

Do you do any of these things on a daily basis? What are you going to do to be healthier? 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!