Sayings That Suggest Your Kids Have Anxiety | Be Aware Of These Anxiety-Related Phrases In Your Children | Things Kids Say That Could Suggest Anxiety

Jul 22, 2018

Adults like to think of children as being carefree. However, children can be just as likely as their parents to suffer from anxiety. Even if they don't have bills to pay or errands to run, they can still feel overwhelmed and scared. That's why it's so important to listen to what they have to say. These are different things your kids might say that suggest anxiety.

1. "I'm sorry"

It's great to be remorseful after you do something wrong. However, anxious children will find fault in nearly everything they do. Even if it was an innocent mistake, they'll still feel like they need to apologize extensively for it.

2. "What's wrong with me?"

Self doubt runs rampant with anxious children. They'll sense how they're different from others and believe these differences make them inferior.

3. "Don't make me do this."

If your child is pleading you to not have to do something, it's a pretty strong sign of anxiety. Their trepidation indicates that their fear is more than they can handle.

4. "I'm too tired"

Worrisome thoughts can become so cumbersome for an anxious child, that it can wear them out profoundly.

5. "Don't go"

Anxious children like having their parents around as a safety net. However, you can't be around them at all times, which can be difficult for them to cope with.

6. "I want to go"

Situational anxiety can cause children to want to escape whatever environment they're in. Often, this might in situations where leaving early just isn't an option.

7. "I don't want to go"

If you tell an anxious child they'll be going somewhere, be it school, a birthday party, or a doctor's appointment, they'll try their best to stay at home.

8. "I don't want to..."

There are all kinds of things that your anxious child will be reluctant to do. They'll believe that being avoidant of situations is the best way to avoid the pain of embarrassment.

9. "I look ugly"

Body images can be an issue for children. They'll see how their peers look or how people are depicted in media and think about their perceived shortcomings in comparison.

10. "I feel bad"

Anxious children will start to feel bad around their bodies as well as in their minds. The stress of their thoughts can make it difficult to feel healthy.

11. "Don't turn out the light"

Your child's anxiety could cause them to have a deep fear of the dark. It might represent all the troubling thoughts inside them, or they might fear not being able to see what's around them.

Anxiety in children is not something to be ignored. If your child's anxiety is not addressed early, it can have life-long consequences. Consider this list and see if it applies to your children. Show it to any other parents who also have anxious children.