If You Suffer From Foot, Knee, Or Hip Pain, Here Are 6 Exercises To Kill It

Sep 20, 2018

If you have pain in your knees, ankles or hips, you are not alone. Pain in these areas is a very common issue.

Luckily, there are numerous physical therapy exercises that can restore the strength and flexibility of your knees, ankles and hips. If you do these exercises regularly, you will see a great reduction in pain.

1. Heel Lifts


While standing, place your hands on the top of a chair. Next, do the following:


2. Toe Walks


This exercise requires zero equipment and can be done anywhere.

All you have to do is walk around on your toes for at least five minutes. You can do it for up to 15 minutes; stop when fatigued.

3. Ankle Circles


This exercise requires no equipment, but you can sit if you prefer.

4. Resistance Band Leg Pulls


For this exercise, you need a stable piece of furniture, such as a table, and a resistance band.

5. Toe Curls


For this exercise, you can use various items around your house as equipment.

6. Ball Rolls


This is a great way to massage your feet that requires only a ball.

Extra: Foot Massage

In addition to these exercises, you can massage your feet with your hands. Put your hand around the space between your big toe and second toe. Put your other hand between your pinkie toe and fourth toe. Massage for pain relief.

Know someone who is suffering from pain in many places? Don't hesitate to pass this article along to them!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!