If You Overdose On These 8 Harmless Products, It Can Potentially Ruin Your Health

Nov 08, 2018

Everyone understands that excess consumption of food and drugs can be detrimental to your health. When you do overeat or eat far too much of one particular food, there can be horrible consequences.

Here is a list of the top 8 products that can cause huge health problems if you consume too much.


1. Tea


Tea is often touted as a healthy drink. However, it can be bad for your health if you drink too much of it. Some tea has oxalate in it and can cause your kidneys to fail if you have too much of it in your body.

One man had to go to the hospital because his kidneys were failing after drinking 16 cups of tea per day. The New England Journal of Medicine published a letter, that described the case as iced-tea nephropathy.

2. Toothpaste


Toothpaste used to come with a warning that you should not swallow it. If you swallow more than a teaspoon of fluoride-free toothpaste, you will have an upset tummy. However, if you consume toothpaste that has fluoride, you can begin to feel dizzy or have a stomachache.

This article published in MedlinePlus, produced by U.S. National Library of Medicine, discusses the possible harmful effects of toothpaste overdose.

3. Tuna


Tuna can be incredibly dangerous because of how much mercury it contains. Even though tuna is mostly considered healthy, it can be dangerous if you eat too much of it.

This report published in Medical News Today, explains how some tuna might contain more mercury than others, like canned tuna. However, most people should not eat more than .3 lbs of tuna each week.

4. Nutmeg


According to this article published by Michael Greger M.D. FACLM in NutritionFacts.org, nutmeg can be toxic if you eat too much of it.

5. Soy Sauce


Soy sauce can be detrimental to your health because of how much sodium it contains. When you consume too much sodium, it can cause you to become dehydrated and it might even cause a stroke.

For example, in 2013, a young man decided to take a bet to drink a whole bottle of soy sauce. He ended up having a seizure and losing consciousness. When the doctors found him, they realized he was severely dehydrated because of how much sodium he had in his system.

6. Muscle Ointment


If you use ointment to relieve muscle pain, you might be in danger. Though it is okay to use a certain amount of pain relieving ointment, you should not use it often. This article published in MedlinePlus, produced by U.S. National Library of Medicine, explains how methyl salicylate can get into your system through the skin and can have dangerous consequences.

7. Pop


If you drink too much of this sweet liquid, you can get sick. Soda’s main ingredient is sugar. According to this article published in Healthline, consuming an excess of added sugar can negatively risk your health.

8. Licorice


Licorice can cause heart problems if you eat too much of it. According to an article in WebMD, Licorice has a high amount of glycyrrhizin which can cause the blood to have too much potassium. When there is too much potassium in your system, you can start to see a rise in your blood pressure.

Do you consume any of these products? Send this article to your friends to tell them to be careful about consuming these products!

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