If You Have These Common Health Problems, Add Bone Broth to Your Diet

Jun 11, 2018

Bone broth has been extremely trendy for a few years now, and there's a good reason for that. This rich, comforting broth isn't just delicious and a great base for all kinds of foods. It's also packed with powerful nutrients that can heal all kinds of health problems related to inflammation. 

Bone broth has been used extensively throughout history, and it's an important ingredient in most cuisines around the world. Nearly every culture is aware of the healing powers of bone broth. In China, bone broth is often served as a simple soup or "meat tea," and you can find it in many Chinese restaurants around the world. In North America, bone broth was popularized by Julia Child, who wrote a series of cookbooks on French culinary techniques. Today almost everyone has heard of bone broth, and you can even buy it pre-made or in powdered form from health food stores. 


Making bone broth is simple. All you have to do is put animal bones and connective tissue in a pot with some water and simmer it for several hours at minimum. You can even use a slow cooker to make bone broth with zero hassle. Add other ingredients like vegetables and spices to your broth for flavor if you like. Over time, as your meat scraps cook, they'll release all of their goodness into the water. The finished broth is full of gelatin, amino acids, and other important nutrients. 

Amino acids are an especially important part of bone broth. In particular, bone broth contains amino acids called glycine, proline, and glutamine. These amino acids carry out several important functions in the human body: they help with the development of certain neurotransmitters, they support the production of some enzymes, and they can be used to synthesize new proteins. Many people are deficient in these particular amino acids, which can lead to health problems. Drinking bone broth can help to fix these problems naturally. 

Gut problems also cause all kinds of secondary health issues. If your digestive system is damaged or not working properly, your immune system takes a hit as well. This can lead to the development of autoimmune conditions like lupus, celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Bone broth can help relieve the symptoms of these diseases. The gelatin content in bone broth helps to heal the lining of the intestines, which can help you manage your autoimmune disease naturally. 

If you have an autoimmune disease, gut problems, or inflammatory health issues, bone broth might be the perfect natural treatment for you. Simply drink up to three cups of bone broth on a daily basis. You'll probably find that you feel better within weeks. 


Are you going to start drinking bone broth to treat your health problems? If so, tell us how it works for you! We would love to hear from you. And don't forget to pass this important information on to your friends and loved ones!