Idol Judge Knows He's 'In the Presence of Greatness' After Listening To Dishwasher's Original Song

Apr 24, 2019

People like to observe and admire the talents of others. American Idol has been popular on TV for a long time.

The judges are usually celebrities, and sometimes they are singers or musicians as well. People at home and the in-person audience all have a good time watching the show.

A Humble Man Takes the Stage

On a recent episode of American Idol, a humble young man took to the stage. Alejandro Aranda is a dish washer. At age 24, he does not have a lot of worldly experience under his belt.

What he does have is a strong work ethic, solid foundation, great stage presence and a humble spirit. Hailing from Pomona, California, Alejandro Aranda took to the stage with an acoustic guitar.

His Performance Wows the Audience

When Alejandro Aranda began to sing, the audience could not believe what they were hearing. He wrote the song himself. Both the lyrics and the music were beautiful to the audience and the three judges. The song, called "Out Loud," is a mix of Latin and folk music.

What the Judges Thought

All of the judges delivered praise for the performance of Alejandro Aranda. They suggested that he has a promising career ahead. They liked him and his personality, his style, his singing, the words and the guitar. The judges felt like his modest demeanor contrasted with his soulful words in a powerful way. He seems authentic and approachable.

'It's like watching my favorite movie - that I did not want to end. I don't even want to see anybody after him,' judge Luke Bryan says in the video.

His Plans for the Future

Alejandro Aranda plans to continue out the American Idol show and see where it gets him. If the reaction of the audience is a harbinger of things to come, it would appear that he has a good shot at a long career in music. With judges as diverse and talented as Lionel Richie and Katy Perry liking his music and words, Alejandro Aranda has a good chance at gaining a record contract in order to create his first solo.

Did you catch Alejandro Aranda's performance or watch the clip of it online? If so, what did you think? Let us know your thoughts about this inspiring story in the comments and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family.